The Library Bulletin


New journals

Fri Aug 31 2018

Australian corporate lawyer, Volume 28(3), Spring 2018 - in this issue : A day in the life, Kit Wilson, Deputy General Counsel, Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation / E-commerce in China and Australia - challenges for in-house counsel Alistair Grant / 2018 International Arbitration Survey : the evolution of international arbitration Max Bonnell, Stuart Blaxell and Marina Kofman / Copyright here and across borders - tips for Australian in-house lawyers Jacqueline Plunkett / The issues of working on cross-border transactions and disputes Janine Thompson and Cathy Zhao / Conducting litigation efficiently and cost-effectively - tips from seasoned litigators Nick Galloway, Matthew Kennedy and Kate Hurford / Managing a regional and dispersed legal workforce in Asia Graham Wladimiroff / Tailor your international arbitration agreement to reduce time, control costs, and reach desirable outcomes Kim Taylor and John W Hinchey / Moving beyond relationships for smarter, more strategic engagement decisions Sacha Kirk / Leading high-performing project teams in cross-border environments Peter Dombkins and Anu Briggs / Expanding cross-border roles of legal teams in emerging Southeast Asian markets Najla Zamri, Athistha (Nop) Chitranukroh and Jenny Karlsson / Is the general counsel the moral guardian of the company? Margaret Gillespie and Nick Galloway

Australian law journal, Volume 92(6), June 2018 - in this issue : Current issues Justice Francois Kunc (ed) - Legal fictions and personal responsibility, Penalties for corporate misconduct, ALRC inquiry into indigenous incarceration rates, Living on in cyberspace, A new look for the contemporaneous file note, Open Courts Act review in Victoria, Victorian Aboriginal treaty Bill, Inquiry into class action proceedings and third-party litigation funders Hon Justice S C Derrington / Conveyancing and property - Reform in elder law - granny flats Patricia Lane / Around the nation : Tasmania - A tale of two courts Justice Stephen Estcourt AM / Around the nation : Western Australia - Defamation trial sequel to a murder trial : Rayney v western Australia (No 9) [2017] WASC 367 Justice Kenneth Martin / Personalia Emily Vale (ed) - Justice Katrina Banks-Smith, Justice Craig Colvin, Justice Simon Steward, Justice Peter McClellan AM / Recent cases Ruth C A Higgins SC (ed) - Practice and procedure - stay of proceedings - application for leave to file and serve amended statement of claim - refused with costs taxed immediately - costs unpaid because appellant impecunious - Rozenbilt v Vainer [2018] HCA 23 Ruth C A Higgins SC, Defamation - contextual truth defence - whether defendants may plead back a plaintiff's substantially true imputations - Defamation Act 2005 (NSW) s 26 - Fairfax Digital Australia and New Zealand Pty Ltd v Kazal [2018] NSWCA 77 Michael Douglas, United Kingdom - supreme court - contract law - licence of premises - no oral modification clause - whether effective - MWB Business Exchange Centres Ltd v Rock Advertising Ltd [2018] UKSC 24 R D Turnbull / Extending the life of a discretionary trust Michael Flynn QC / Unseen networks : the legal professions' involvement i the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1944 (NSW) Mark Lunney / Can there ever be affordable family law? Patrick Parkinson and Brian Knox / Obituary - Patrick Brazil AO KLJ T A Sherman and D A Hassall / Reports - Burns v Corbett; Burns v Gaynor; Attorney General (NSW) v Burns; New South Wales v Burns [2018] HCA 15, Plaintiff M174/2016 v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2018] HCA 16, R v Gallagher [2018] HCA 17, Collins v The Queen [2018] HCA 18

Law Society journal, Issue 48, September 2018 - in this issue : Six minutes with Keerthi Ravi, Associate, Disputes and Investigations Team, Allens / Independent review calls for $15.6 million extra funding for CLCs / Global survey to expose bullying and sexual harassment in law / Why NSW needs a specialist coroners court Hugh Dillon / Saving and securing access to justice : a plan for community legal centres Mark Speakman / One too many Kate Allman / Everyone's a player Dominic Rolfe / Reframing her narrative Melissa Coade / Why misstakes [sic] make us Ray Steinwall / A day in the life of Jahan Kalantar, Partner, Executive Legal Melissa Coade / Putting the boot in Dominic Rolfe / Oh baby! Melissa Coade / Spin your wheels for great legs Azal Khan / The case that changed me Anna Coady / The latest developments in Law Society advocacy and law reform Law Society Policy and Practice Department / Commonwealth redress scheme for institutional child sexual abuse : direct personal responses Steve Lancken and Robyn Bailey / Righting the relic : towards effective protections for criminal record discrimination Rosalind Croucher / The limitations for a modern day bag search Jack de Flamingh and Phillip Magness / Limitation periods in equity - taking an analogous approach Elissa Baxter and Alex Haslam / Taking security for legal costs : lessons from Malouf v Constantinou Michelle Castle and Andrew Bailey / Regulators' investigatory powers and the Harman obligation not to disclose Michael Legg and Stephen Speirs / Singapore Convention 2018 reshaping alternate dispute resolution and enforcement Craig Carter / Avoiding contempt of court for breach of freezing orders : it's a matter of trust Angus Macinnis / Financial abuse and forfeiture Ruth Pollard and Darryl Browne / The 'poster boy' plaintiff and contumacious, contumelious, criminal and civil contempt Talitha Fishburn / The tricky business of amending trust deeds Jim Main / The latest from the Federal Court Dan Star QC / Criminal law Thomas Spohr / Family law Robert Glade-Wright / Wills and estates Darryl Browne


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