Interesting articles and podcasts

Amendments to Australia’s IP legislation approved by Luke Dale, Ashley Holland and Niomi Abeywardena of HWL Ebsworth - examines the Intellectual Property Laws Amendment (Productivity Commission Response Part 1 and Other Measures) Act 2018 (Cth)
Employee's resignation not 'forced' by Charles Power and Lauren Drummond of Holding Redlich - considers Davidson v Qube Logistics Vic Pty Ltd T/A Qube Holdings [2018] FWC 4481
Full Federal Court speaks on competing class actions by Jenny Campbell and Gert-Jan Hendrix of Allens Linklaters - the Full Federal Court ordered the transfer of four shareholder class actions against AMP to the New South Wales Supreme Court
The future of privacy by Cheng Lim, Charles Davies, Lauren Murphy and Cal Samson of King and Wood Mallesons - considers privacy and data use and governance models for the future
Have home owners warranty insurers won a battle, but lost the war? by Frank Hicks of Greenway Chambers - considers The Owners Strata Plan No 66375 v King [2018] NSWCA 170
(Im)permanent impairment : the consequence of time by Chad Farah of McCabe Curwood - considers the decision in Ilic v 2/11 Leonard Ave Pty Ltd (in liquidation) [2018] NSWWCCPD 34
Law Report (ABC) for 28 August presented by Damien Carrick, includes Scrutiny over Peter Dutton eligibilty for parliament, Law Council calls for greater access to justice and The first Chinese-Australian barrister
New Child Support (Assessment) Act amendments permit administrative termination of binding child support agreements where care arrangements reverse or reduce by Paul Lewis of Gadens - examines amendments to the Child Support (Assessment) Act 1989 (Cth) which have simplified the way that binding child support agreements can be terminated in some circumstances
NSW Conveyancing Act a useful tool for creditors and insolvency practitioners by Jennifer Ball and Louisa Tan of Clayton Utz - examines s 37A of the Conveyancing Act 1919 (NSW) and the decision in Lardis v Lakis [2018] NSWCA 113
Oppression amongst ophthalmologists : Dr Leo Shanahan v Jatese Pty Ltd [2018] NSWSC 1088 by Hiroshi Narushima and Sally Randall of Gilbert + Tobin - considers oppressive conduct and the decision in Dr Leo Shanahan v Jatese Pty Ltd [2018] NSWSC 1088
Uncertainty as part of certainty : appreciating the limits of definitional clarity and embracing the uncertainty inherent in any matter of complexity - speech by Chief Justice Allsop AO at the Australian Academy of Science and Australian Academy of Law Joint Symposium, 23 August