New journals
Thu Oct 04 2018ARITA journal, Volume 30(3), 2018 - in this issue : ILRA compliance : practically impossible Narelle Ferrier and Leearna Plank / Assigning rights to sue - what you need to know Matthew Donnelly, Thomas Russell and Neil Kafer / Creditor participation and the ILRA Charles Cuninghame / Identifying and dealing with cryptocurrency assets in corporate insolvency Lee Pascoe and Jenna Scott / The fine art of presenting at a creditors' meeting Karin Krueger / Identifying de facto directors Phoebe Pitt and James Tobin / Rights of subordinated creditors Kath Naish / New opportunities in China's non-performing loan market Ian Mann and Chai Ridgers / The power of 'open source' change management Charles Cuninghame / Profile Liam Bailey / AFSA releases Insolvency Compliance Program 2018-19 Hamish McCormick / End-of-financial-year wrap-up Sue Saunders / Reforms to address corporate misuse of FEG Henry Carr / STP reporting and new phoenix hotline Australian Taxation Office / Liquidator registration and powers of attorney Thea Eszenyi / Using behavioural insights to improve stakeholder communication Thea Eszenyi and Nisansala Peries / A quarterly round-up of the ARITA Specialist Team's work on law and practice issues Kim Arnold, Narelle Ferrier and Natasha McHattan / A round-up of the latest insolvency case law Natasha McHattan
Bond law review, Volume 30(1), June 2018 - in this issue : Aboriginal recognition : treaties and colonial constitutions, 'We have been here forever..." Irene Watson / Power, control and citizenship : the Uluru Statement from the Heart as active citizenship Kim Rubenstein / Law and power : ten lessons from Foucault Nickolas John James / Three illusions of modern politics Jonathan Crowe / Domestic violence disclosure schemes : effective law reform or continued assertion of patriarchal power? Elizabeth Greene and Jodie O'Leary / Investment court system or 'regional' dispute settlement? : the uncertain future of investor-state dispute settlement Umair Ghori / The winner takes it all : legal costs as a mechanism of control in public law Narelle Bedford / Genuine links beyond state and market control : the sale of citizenship by investment in international and supranational legal perspective Michael B Krakat
Federal law review, Volume 46(3), 2018 - in this issue : Whistleblowing, national security and the constitutional freedom of political communication Danielle Ireland-Piper and Jonathan Crowe / The perils and pitfalls of formal equality in Australian family law reform Belinda Fehlberg, Lisa Sarmas and Jenny Morgan / The 'modern approach' to statutory interpretation and the principle of legality : an issue of coherence? Dan Meagher / 'Pretaliatory' enforcement action for chilling whistleblowing through corporate agreements : lessons from North America Olivia Dixon / A statute's meaning need not be its law Jamie Blaker / Generosity, and corporate reconciliation Leah Cameron and Mike Butler / Wellbeing Rolf Moses and Sheila Kushe / Basic entitlements - parental leave Robert Stevenson