Interesting articles and podcasts

The dialogue is changing yet is the law enabling the practical change directors need? by Tony Troiani and Philip Pan of King and wood Mallesons - contends that it still can't be said that the new “Safe Harbour” legislation has resulted in cultural change among directors
Employer pays the price of employee’s misuse of competitor’s confidential information by Michael Selinger and Adrian Zagami of Holding Redlich - examines a recent out of court settlement of a high profile restraint of trade case in the South Australian real estate agency industry
Evicting cybersquatters : what to do when someone registers your brand as a domain name by James Neil and Rebecca Lobb of Clayton Utz - considers options for brand owners if someone has wrongfully registered their brand as a domain name
Keeping it casual? Think again! by Ian Dixon, Brett Feltham, Siobhan Mulcahy and Steven Troeth of Gadens - examines WorkPac Pty Ltd v Skene [2018] FCAFC 131
Law Report (ABC) for 25 September presented by Damien Carrick - Should dead men become fathers?
Liability under the ASIC Act for unconscionable conduct by Greg Lewis of HWL Ebsworth - examines Mastronardo and Anor v Commonwealth Bank of Australia Ltd and Ors [2018] NSWCA 136
NSW's strangulation offence : time for further reform? by Tom Gotsis of the NSW Parliamentary Research Service - examines recent data on strangulation from the New South Wales Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research to determine whether, and to what extent, section 37 of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) is being used, leads to convictions and results in appropriate penalties
Validity of holding DOCAs confirmed by High Court of Australia by Andrew Lacey of McCabe Curwood - considers Mighty River International Ltd v Hughes; Mighty River International Ltd v Mineral Resources Ltd [2018] HCA 38