New and updated NSW Bills

Criminal Legislation Amendment (Consorting and Restricted Premises) Act 2018 - assented to 5 October, not yet in force
Fair Trading Legislation Amendment (Consumer Guarantee Directions) Act 2018 - 11 October 2018 proclaimed as the day on which Schedule 2 commences, published on legislation website 10 October
Impounding Amendment (Shared Bicycles and Other Devices) Act 2018 - assented to 5 October, not yet in force
Parliamentary Budget Officer Amendment Act 2018 - assented to 5 October, commenced on assent
Road Transport Legislation Amendment (Penalties and Other Sanctions) Act 2018 - assented to 5 October, not yet in force
Western City and Aerotropolis Authority Act 2018 - assented to 5 October, not yet in force