New journals

Australian law journal, Volume 92(8), August 2018 - in this issue : Current issues Ruth C A Higgins (ed) - Let them eat cake, Bulling in the workplace and the courts, Judicial independence in Europe, Laws targeting the incitement of violence, ALRC report on class actions and third-party funding, Statutory review of the Defamation Act, From Queensland to the House of Lords / Conveyancing and real property Robert Angyal and Brendan Edgeworth (eds) E-conveyancing : legal underpinning and some practical aspects Peter Rosier / Technology and the law Lyria Bennett Moses and Anna Collyer / Admiralty and maritime : AMSA's power to detain vessels : AMSA's liability Dr Damien J Cremean / Around the nation : Tasmania : Regulation of all-terrain vehicles Justice Stephen Estcourt AM / Personalia Emily Vale (ed) Commonwealth - Justice Thomas Thawley, Victoria - Justice John Champion, Justice Matthew Connock, Western Australia - Justice Anthony Derrick, Retirement of the Honourable Chief Justice Wayne Martin AC QC Justice Kenneth Martin / Taxation of settlements, judgments and awards Tony Slater QC and Elizabeth Bishop / Timor-Leste v Australia : the impact of international law on the current and the future arrangements in the Timor Sea Maha Chaar / Corporate law practice : legal advice and ethics Barbara Mescher / Reports - Amaca Pty Ltd v Latz; Latz v Amaca Pty ltd [2018] HCA 22, DL v The Queen [2018] HCA 26, Lane v The Queen [2018] HCA 28, Minogue v Victoria [2018] HCA 27, Rozenblit v Vainer [2018] HCA 23, Trkulja v Google LLC [2018] HCA 25
Civil justice quarterly, Volume 37(4), 2018 - in this issue : The ADR duty and costs : Ali v Chanel 5 Broadcast Ltd [2018] EWHC 840 (Ch) Masood Ahmed / Suing unnamed defendants or persons unknown : Cameron v Hussain [2017] EWCA Civ 366 Steven Gee QC and Christopher Kientzler / Civil claims against the crown in the wake of the Iraq war - Crown act of State, limitation under foreign law and litigation funding : Alseran v Ministry of Defence [2017] EWHC 3289 (QB) Ugljesa Grusic / Australian tribunals and alternative dispute resolution : a procedural justice perspective Therese MacDermott and Denise Meyerson / Defining the litigation default S I Strong / International jurisdiction and the grant of post-judgment information-provision orders : post Tenebras Lux? James Woolrich
Law Institute journal, Volume 92(10), October 2018 - in this issue : Lawyers warn of bail crisis Karin Derkley / Time's up for legal workplace reform Chris Molinar / Charity begins on the phone Jennifer Batrouney and Angela Lee / Maximising recovery Andrew Tragardh / Innovation over iteration Mira Stammers / Solicitors' possessory lien Justice Emilios Kyrou / Collaborate don't litigate Stephen Winspear / High Court judgments Andrew Yuile / Federal Court judgments Dan Star QC / Family law judgments Robert Glade-Wright / Supreme Court judgments Professor Greg Reinhardt / Practice notes Adele Byrne / Money for nothing Gino Dal Pont / What can go wrong? Legal Practitioners' Liability Committee / Lost trust deeds Russell Cocks / Costs must be reasonable and proportionate Anna Sango / Are forceful mediators effective? Jonathan Kaplan / Performance review time Andrew Proebstl / Beyond the legal profession Zoe Chan / Reduce the risk of a complaint Maggie McNamara / Future tense Morry Bailes / Changing face of the bar Carolyn Ford / Dutch honour Karin Derkley
Modern law review, Volume 81(5), September 2018 - in this issue : The rule of law and the rule of empire : A V Dicey in imperial context Dylan Lino / Top-down constitutional conventions Adam Perry and Adam Tucker / The quiet-loud-quiet politics of post-crisis consumer bankruptcy law : the case of Ireland and the Troika Joseph Spooner / Protecting free speech and academic freedom in universities Ian Cram and Helen Fenwick / An incomplete victory : the implications of QT v Director of Immigration for the protection of gay rights in Hong Kong Kai Yeung Wong / Minimum alcohol pricing : balancing the 'essentially incomparable' in Scotch whisky Niamh Dunne / Toward a new jurisprudence? Sean Coyle
University of New South Wales law journal, Volume 41(3), 2018 - in this issue : 'The torment of our powerlessness' : addressing Indigenous constitutional vulnerability through the Uluru Statement's call for a first nations voice in their affairs Shireen Morris / You can't charge me, i'm a cop : should police, corrections staff and law enforcement officers be immune from criminal liability for actions carried out against vulnerable people in the course of their duties? Stephen Gray / Policing the police : independent investigations for Victoria Sinead O'Brien Butler / Silencing prote(x)t : disrupting the scrips of mental health law Fleur Beaupert / Vulnerability : false hope for vulnerable social security clients? Terry Carney AO / From safety nets to support networks : beyond 'vulnerability' in protection for consumers with cognitive disabilities Yvette Maker, Jeannine Marie Paterson, Anna Arstein-Kerslake, Bernadette McSherry and Lisa Brophy / Adverse effects : can the Fair Work Act address workplace discrimination for employees with a disability? Dominique Allen / The vulnerability of safe haven enterprise visa holders : balancing work, protection and future prospects Alexander Reilly / In vital need of reform : providing certainty for working women undergoing IVF treatment Thomas Hvala / Harming women with words : the failure of Australian law to prohibit gendered hate speech Tanya D'Souza, Laura Griffin, Nicole Shackleton and Danielle Walt / Responding to vulnerability? Forced marriage and the law Heli Askola / Protecting vulnerable refugees : procedural fairness in the Australian fast track regime Emily McDonald and Maria O'Sullivan