Interesting articles and podcasts

Along for the ride : considering the legal and practical consequences of self-driving vehicles by Rebecca Field and Marisa Taliangis of Corrs Chambers Westgarth - examines self-driving vehicles
Australia’s internet blocking laws set to be expanded by Cate Nagy and Matthew Swinn of King and Wood Mallesons - examines the Copyright Amendment (Online Infringement) Bill 2018
The court's approach to an application for a property settlement after the limitation period has expired by Karen Devey of Armstrong Legal - examines property settlement
Frucor loses the battle to register "V" green as a colour trade mark by Lisa Ritson and Maria Sun of Ashurst - considers Frucor Beverages Limited v The Coca-Cola Limited Company [2018] FCA 993
Grapes of Wrath : Wine Australia to clamp down on copycat wine with proposed wine export label directory by Luke Dale and Stephanie Leong of HWL Ebsworth - examines Wine Australia's proposed wine export label directory
Law Report (ABC) for 23 October presented by Damien Carrick - Complaints, misconduct, cheating and plagiarism in higher education
Parliamentary Committee supports the ongoing push for national industrial manslaughter laws by Cameron Dean, Scarlet Reid, Tom Reaburn, Nathan Roberts, Emily Rayner, Nicola McMahon and Michaela Garcia of McCullough Robertson - the Senate Education and Employment References Committee has recommended that an offence for industrial manslaughter be introduced into the model Work Health and Safety Act 2011, see here
Patents of addition : a strategy to protect improvements or modifications in an invention in Australia and New Zealand by Dr Ken Johnstone and Dr Richard Grant of Spruson and Ferguson - examines patents of addition
Pleash (Liquidator) v Tucker and the production of documents in public examinations : whether trust assets are ‘examinable affairs’ by Guy Edgecombe of Gadens - considers Pleash (Liquidator) v Tucker [2018] FCAFC 144
Same, same but different – why you can’t assume copycat names won’t be registered by Darren Pereira and Georgia Milne of Holding Redlich - considers Perth Martial Arts Academy and Australian Securities and Investments Commission [2018] AATA 3664