New journals
Fri Nov 02 2018Alternative law journal, Volume 43(3), 2018 - in this issue : who says we need a Human Rights Act? Simon Rice / You be the judge : no thanks! Arie freiberg, Kate Warner, Caroline Spiranovic and Julia Davis / Australia's anti-democratic 'foreign interference' Bills Michael Head / Whither no-fault schemes in Australia : have we closed the care and compensation gap? Mark R Forwood / Class actions : the flood that never came David Barda / Procedural fairness in workplace investigations : potential flaws and proposals for change Allison Ballard and Patricia Easteal / The road ahead : driver's licensing and the over-incarceration of Aboriginal peoples in Western Australia Fiona McGaughey, Teodora Pasca and Sarah Millman / Freedom of information : user pays (and still faces delays) Danielle Moon / Athletes' rights under the World Anti Doping Code : a legitimate public interest? Daniel Goldsworthy / They, their, them : a case for non-gendered language in Australian judgments Julian R Murphy / Refugee family reunion : what might have been Savitri Taylor / The road back from Kafka's castle : towards a better system of via application and review in Australia Victor Kline / from conflict to consensus : reconciling the right to freedom of religion and LGBT rights Andrew Small / Religious-based exemptions from anti-discrimination law : comparing jurisdiction that permit same-sex marriage Brendan Gogarty, Anja Hilkemeijer and Daniel Westbury
Australian law journal, Volume 92(9), September 2018 - in this issue : Current issues Justice Francois Kunc (ed) - Family court restructure debate continues, Victorian Law Reform Commission report on class actions, Indigenous recognition - much consulting going where?, Commonwealth targets for briefing female barristers, Muslims and the legal process, Explanatory note on the judicial process and participation of Muslims prepared by the Australian National Imams Council (ANIC) / Admiralty and maritime - Ownership of unclaimed wreck Dr Damien J Cremean / Family law - Threats by adult children in proceedings between their parents : contempt or miscarriage of justice? Richard Ingleby / Statutory interpretation The Hon John Basten (ed) - Evidence Act s 165B : interpretation in the shadow of Longman Alex Winn and Natalie Czapski / Personalia Emily Vale (ed) - Commonwealth - Justice Gail Sutherland, Victoria - Justice Kevin Lyons, Western Australia - Justice John Vaughan, Justice Jennifer Smith / On to Strasbourg or back to temple? The future of European law in Australia postBrexit _The Hon T F Bathurst AC and Bronte Lambourne / Searching for the searchers : the Australian legal profession and the operation of the Australian Red Cross Missing and Wounded Enquiry Bureau in World War I Tony Cunneen / Judicial decision-making in times of war and relative peace The Hon Susan Kiefel AC / The case for contradictors in approving class action settlements Jeremy Kirk / Reports - R v Falzon [2018] HCA 29, Minister for Immigration and Border Protection v SZVFW [2018] HCA 30, Federal Commissioner of Taxation v Thomas; Federal Commissioner of Taxation v Martin Andrew Pty Ltd; Federal Commissioner of Taxation v Thomas Nominees Pty Ltd [2018] HCA 31, DL v The Queen [2018] HCA 32, Re Culleton [2018] HCA 33, Hossain v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2018] HCA 34, Shrestha v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection; Ghimire v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection; Acharya v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2018] HCA 35, Nobarani v Mariconte [2018] HCA 36, HFM043 v Republic of Nauru [2018] HCA 37
Proctor, Volume 38(10), November 2018 - in this issue : Bringing the balance : public faith and the judiciary Ken Taylor / Committee works for better children's law Pip Harvey Ross / Trade marks and parallel importation : recent amendments to the Trade Marks Act 1995 (Cth) Ben Thorn / The tip of a taxation iceberg? The potential liability of a legal personal representative Ian Raspin and Angela Cornford-Scott / Sexual harassment in law : what are 'all reasonable steps' for prevention Bridget Burton / Expert evidence Kylie Downes QC / The prior convictions conundrum : should you disclose them if the prosecution fails to? Stafford Shepherd / Loss of capacity - an issue for all lawyers Christine Smyth / E-conveyancing : from growing pains to one giant leap? Molly Thomas / High Court and Federal Court casenotes Andrew Yuile and Dan Star QC / Court of Appeal judgments 1 to 30 September 2018 Bruce Godfrey / Husband $175k better off after wife's costs added back Robert Glade-Wright / Thriving in the legal profession Noela L'Estrange / What do your clients really value? Graeme McFadyen / Security of fees - thinking differently about money in trust : a practice idea that might make a big difference Dr Peter Lynch