New journals

Australian law journal, Volume 92(10), October 2018 - in this issue : Current issues Justice Francois Kunc (ed) - Climate change and the law / Climate change and the law - introduction Martijn Wilder AM / An overview of international climate change law, including the Paris Agreement Susan Biniaz / Climate change law in australia - a history and the current state of play Ilona Millar and Sophie Whitehead / Creating, buying and safeguarding emission reductions under the Emissions Reduction Fund Elisa de Wit and Amy Quinton / Mapping climate change litigation The Hon Brian J Preston SC / Obligations on Australian companies to address climate change Stephanie Venuti and Martijn Wilder AM / The future of Australia's federal renewable energy law James Prest and Grace Soutter / The Victorian Climate Change Act : a model Alainnah Calabro, Stephanie Niall and Anna Skarbek / Climate finance and financial markets in Australia : the CEFC and ARENA Monique Miller / Carobon dioxide removal geoengineering Dr Kerryn Brent, Professor Jan McDonald, Dr Jeffrey McGee and Dr Brendan Gogarty / Biodiversity conservation law and climate change adaptation Dr Phillipa C McCormack / Reports - Mighty River International Ltd v Hughes; Mighty River International Ltd v Mineral Resources Ltd [2018] HCA 38, R v Bauer (a pseudonym) [2018] HCA 40, QLN147 v Republic of Nauru [2018] HCA 41
Taxation in Australia, Volume 53(5), November 2018 - in this issue : Defining true advocacy in the tax profession Tracey Rens / It's not too late to hit your professional development goals Giles Hurst / Refund of excess imputation credits Robert Deutsch / October - what happened in tax? TaxCounsel Pty Ltd / Base rate entity : aggregated turnover text TaxCounsel Pty Ltd / Taxing times for Australian expats overseas Peter Bembrick / Enhancing legal research skills Joyce Liu / Cheryl Mallett, CTA, Vita Gustafson and Associates / Tax consolidation : a review of the recommended changes Helen Wicker / Is the deemed in-house asset rule unconstitutional? Christopher Bevan / The hybrid mismatch rules : impact on foreign investors Wendy Hartanti, Hendrick Hilgenfeld and Wictor Pak / Personal liability of a trustee to tax on trust income : part 1 Sam Campbell / SMSF succession strategies Daniel Butler / Separating the cash and the credit Michael Norbury