New journals

Brief, Volume 45(10), November 2018 - in this issue : Good mental health as an essential component of the 'good lawyer' Alan Cameron AO FAAL / Money for nothing Gino Dal Pont / The ipso facto reforms Elisabeth Edwards, Chris Pearce and Lorna Clarke / Asked to be an executor? What are the income tax liabilities of an executor/legal personal representative? John Hockley / Trustees' rights of indemnity - a right of retention? Grahame Young / How will the Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Act 2018 (WA) affect discretionary trusts? When will a discretionary trust be considered a 'foreign trust'? Jim O'Donnell / In pursuit of knowledge : the advantage of being a 'generalist' The Hon Justice Peter Quinlan / Evidence in family law proceedings John Hedges / The adaptability of the common law to change The Hon Susan Kiefel AC / Family law case notes Robert Glade-Wright / The tale of the unfortunate letter John McKechnie QC / Eulogy for the Honourable John Wickham QC Jonathan Wickham
Psychiatry, psychology and law, Volume 25(4), August 2018 - in this issue : Impact of gruesome photographic evidence on legal decision : a meta-analysis Rebecca Hofstein Grady, Lauren Reiser, Robert J Garcia, Christian Koeu and Nicholas Scurich / The impact of clinical diagnosis and plaintiff's award request on mock juror damage awards and injury perceptions Len Lecci and Alexia Martin / Juror perceptions of false confessions versus witness recantations Paula A Bernhard and Rowland S Miller / Safeguarding rights to liberty and security where people with disability are subject to detention and restraint : a practical approach to the adjudication, interpretation and making of law (part two) Kim Chandler, Ben White and Lindy Willmott / Report writing in the forensic context : recurring problems and the use of a checklist to address them Micaiah Zwartz / Visual communication desensitization (VCD) : a novel two-phased approach to interviewing traumatized individuals in investigative contexts Jane Mary Castelfranc-Allen and Lorraine Hope / Judicial stress : the roles of gender and social support Monica K Miller, Jenny Reichert, Brian H Bornstein and Grant Shulman / A happy life : exploring how job stress, job involvement, and job satisfaction are related to the life satisfaction of Chinese prison staff Eric G Lambert, Shanhe Jiang, Jianhong Liu, Jinwu Zhang and Eunsuhk Choi
Sydney law review, Volume 40(3), September 2018 - in this issue : Bargaining in the shadow of the folk law : expanding the concept of the shadow of the law in family dispute resolution Jonathan Crowe, Rachael Field, Lisa Toohey, Helen Partridge and Lynn McAllister / Prosecuting child offenders : factors relevant to rebutting the presumption of doli incapax Thomas Crofts / Government-funded health research contracts in Australia : a critical assessment of transparency Nola M Ries and Kypros Kypri / Abortion protests and the limits of freedom of political communication : Clubb v Edwards; Preston v Avery Shireen Morris and Adrienne Stone / "All necessary measures" to avoid fragmentation : reflections on the UK Supreme Court's 2017 Al-Waheed decision Alyssa Glass