New and updated NSW Bills

Acts proclaimed
Road Transport Legislation Amendment (Penalties and Other Sanctions) Act 2018 - 3 December 2018 proclaimed as the day on which Schedule 1 [2], [10], [12]–[15] and [20] and Schedule 2.4 commence, and 20 May 2019 as the day on which Schedule 1 [1], [3]–[9], [11] and [17]–[19], and Schedule 2.1–2.3, commence. Published on legislation website 23 November
Bills assented to
Combat Sports Amendment Act 2018 - assented to 22 November 2018, not in force
Conveyancing Legislation Amendment Act 2018 - assented to 22 November 2018. Date of commencement (except Schs 1 [1]–[3], [6], [7], [12]–[14] and [16]–[18] and 2): not in force; date of commencement of Schs 1 [1]–[3], [6], [7], [12]–[14] and [16]–[18] and 2, assent, sec 2 (2)
Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Legislation Amendment Act 2018 - assented to 22 November 2018. Date of commencement, Sch 1 [1] excepted, assent, sec 2 (1); date of commencement of Sch 1 [1], 24 September 2018, sec 2 (2)
Government Sector Finance Legislation (Repeal and Amendment) Act 2018 - assented to 22 November 2018, not in force
Health Legislation Amendment Act (No 3) 2018 - assented to 22 November 2018. Date of commencement (except Schs 1, 2 [1], 3 [1] and [2], 4 [3] and 6), assent, sec 2 (1); date of commencement of Sch 1, one month after assent, sec 2 (2); date of commencement of Schs 2 [1], 3 [1] and [2], 4 [3] and 6: not in force
Public Works and Procurement Amendment (Enforcement) Act 2018 - assented to 22 November 2018, not in force
Saint Paul’s College Act 2018 - assented to 22 November 2018, not in force
Awaiting assent
Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Amendment Bill 2018 - awaiting assent, 21 November
Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment Bill 2018 - awaiting assent, 22 November
Community Protection Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 - awaiting assent, 21 November
Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Amendment Bill 2018 - awaiting assent, 21 November
Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 - awaiting assent, 22 November
Crimes Legislation Amendment (Victims) Bill 2018 - awaiting assent, 21 November
Fair Trading Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous) Bill 2018 - awaiting assent, 21 November
Government Information (Public Access) Amendment Bill 2018 - awaiting assent, 21 November
Justice Legislation Amendment Bill (No 3) 2018 - awaiting assent, 21 November
Mental Health (Forensic Provisions) Amendment (Victims) Bill 2018 - awaiting assent, 21 November
National Disability Insurance Scheme (Worker Checks) Bill 2018 - awaiting assent, 22 November
Protection of the Environment Operations Amendment (Asbestos Waste) Bill 2018 - awaiting assent, 21 November
Retirement Villages Amendment Bill 2018 - awaiting assent, 21 November
Road Transport Amendment (National Facial Biometric Matching Capability) Bill 2018 - awaiting assent, 21 November
Snowy Hydro Corporatisation Amendment (Snowy 2.0) Bill 2018 - awaiting assent, 21 November
Surveillance Devices Amendment (Statutory Review) Bill 2018 - awaiting assent, 21 November
Terrorism (Police Powers) Amendment (Statutory Review) Bill 2018 - awaiting assent, 21 November
Victims Rights and Support Amendment (Motor Vehicles) Bill 2018 - awaiting assent, 21 November
Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment (Firefighters) Bill 2018 - awaiting assent, 22 November
In Legislative Assembly
Fair Trading Amendment (Cash Loan Machines) Bill 2018 - in Legislative Assembly, notice of motion, 20 November
Residential (Land Lease) Communities Amendment (Utility Charges) Bill 2018 - in Legislative Assembly, notice of motion, 21 November
In Legislative Council
Climate Change Bill 2018 - in Legislative Council, notice of motion, 21 November