Interesting articles and podcasts

Amended security of payment laws passed in NSW – overcoming the ‘Southern Han effect’ and more by Mathew Stulic of Maddocks - examines the changes made by the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Amendment Act 2018 (NSW) which have the effect of overcoming the decision in Southern Han Breakfast Point (in liq) v Lewence Construction [2016] HCA 52
How should clinicians and hospitals respond to the existing legally uncertain approach to 'competent professional practice'? by Richard J. A. Sergi of Greenway Chambers - considers s 5O the Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW)
Keynote speech by Lord Sumption at the Annual Bar and Young Bar Conference 2018, London - considers changes to the Bar
Major changes to drink driving offences by Trudie Cameron of Armstrong Legal - examines changes to drink driving offences in NSW which came into effect 1 December 2018 or will come into effect 20 May 2019, amendments to legislation were made by the Road Transport Legislation Amendment (Penalties and Other Sanctions) Act 2018
The ongoing ambiguity in interpreting a contract : what is admissible? by Anderw Lacey of McCabe Curwood - examines contractual interpretation
Preserving judicial independence in an age of populism by Lord Hodge at the North Strathclyde Sheriffdom Conference, Paisley - examines judicial independence
The rule of law is not a law of rules - speech by Chief Justice Allsop AO at the Annual Quayside Oration, Perth - "the Rule of Law is a state of affairs and an attitude of mind, as much as, if not more than, it is an abstracted principle or body of rules"