New journals

Law Institute journal, Volume 92(12), December 2018 - in this issue : New (year) law : adapting to disruption Karin Derkley / High stress low productivity Karin Derkley / New law to simplify legal process Matthew Hicks / Lessons for the future Dr Liz Curran / How to nurture the leaders of tomorrow Dr Michael McNamara / Obituary - Simon Begg Frank D O'Loughlin / Who can they tell? Philip Hill / Out in the open Carly Schrever / Wisely, or not at all Anna Kelly / Unfortunate anomalies Mick Batskos / Is it reasonable? David Joseph / High Court judgments Andrew Yuile / Federal Court judgments Dan Star QC / Family law judgments Robert Glade-Wright / Supreme Court judgments Professor Greg Reinhardt / Acting against former clients : loyalty v confidentiality Gino Dal Pont / A good precedent Legal Practitioners' Liability Committee / Supporting victims of crime VLRC / GST withholding Russell Cocks / How to strike the right balance Jonathan Kaplan / Jump in and enjoy the rewards Tamsin Webster / Costs in common law damages Michael King / Personas : a design thinking tool for firms Judith Bennett / No penalties for slavery Vanessa Shambrook and Anika Baset / How to build your client base John Castello / Bendigo honours local magistrate Carolyn Ford / The wellness pyramid Phoebe Blank and Claire Walczak / Drawing on experience Carolyn Ford
LSJ (Law Society journal), Issue 51, December 2018 - in this issue : Six minutes with Peter Payne, solicitor and conveyancer / Doctor says poor mental health 'worse than smoking' / Facing-off with a social media giant Melissa Coade / #TIMESUP for the legal profession Kate Allman / A tinge of green in Cambodia Claire Chaffey / A matter of trust Melissa Coade / Why inspiration is critical for today's leader Peter Agnew / A day in the life of... Carolyn Jones, Senior Solicitor, Women's Legal Service NSW / Eyes on the ball Melissa Coade / Brain food 101 Joanna McMillan / If you booze, how much do you lose? Kate Allman / The case that changed me Judge Roger Dive / The latest developments in Law Society advocacy and law reform Law Society Policy and Practice Department / Whistleblowing : is it worth the risk under Australian law? Grant Hansen / Reflecting on a costly year : key themes and future predictions Michelle Castle and Anderw Bailey / Managing our scarce water resources : recent developments in the Murray- Darling Basin Dr Emma Carmody / First judicial consideration of family law property arbitration reforms Matthew Shepherd / Under pressure : the relationship between risk and stress Candice Perriman / Limited scope services : lessons from the Legal Assistance Sector John Corker / Government prevails over Desane in westConnex appeal Kye Tran-Tsai and Benjamin Adams / How cyber resilient is your law practice? Simone Herbert-Lowe / Total and permanent disability claims : NSWSC confirms insurers' responsibilities Jeremy Harrison / Accounting for the 'wholesale plundering' of a business Kate Boyd / The latest from the High Court Andrew Yuile / The latest from the Federal Court Dan Star QC / Criminal law Thomas Spohr / Family law Robert Glade-Wright / Wills and estates Darryl Browne
Proctor, Volume 38(11), December 2018 - in this issue : The value of solicitors Ken Taylor / Positive action Rolf Moses / How we work for good law Vanessa Krulin and Pip Harvey Ross / 'Casual' by name or nature? Giri Sivaraman and Paloma Cole / Reforms offer a new beginning for children Keryn Ruska / Keep it real : ending entrenchment Bevan Hughes / Applications for disclosure in the state courts Kylie Downes QC / Can I cross-examine a former client? Stafford Shepherd / You are not God Christine Smyth and Shane Budden / Token offers : A career opportunity? Daniel Owen / 'No jurisdiction' to vary date of application Robert Glade-Wright / High Court and Federal Court casenotes Andrew Yuile and Dan Star QC / Court of Appeal judgments Bruce Godfrey / A closer look at profitability Graeme McFadyen / Litigation for laughs Peter Heazlewood / Basic entitlements - annual leave Robert Stevenson
University of New South Wales law journal, 41(4), 2018 - in this issue : The High Court constitutional challenges to criminal law and procedure legislation in Australia Luke McNamara and Julia Quilter / Contextualism : 'the modern approach to statutory interpretation' Jeffrey Barnes / Judge v Robot? Artificial intelligence and judicial decision-making Tania Sourdin / The High Court on constitutional law : the 2017 statistics Andrew Lynch and George Williams / Monetary awards for public law wrongs : Australia's resistant legal landscape Ellen Rock and Greg Weeks / Reconceptualising current issues in the law and practice of consent determination under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) Aaron Moss / Small defamation claims in small claims jurisdictions : worth considering for the sake of proportionality? Kim Gould / Restraining 'extraneous' prejudicial publicity : Victoria and New South Wales compared Jason Bosland / What are the duties of constructive trustees? Daniel Reynolds / Director appointments : expressing board care and diligence Thea Voogt and Marie-Louise Verreynne / Informing the euthanasia debate : perceptions of Australian politicians Andrew McGee, Kelly Purser, Christopher Stackpoole, Ben White, Lindy Willmott and Juliet Davis / Is the classification of animals as property consistent with modern community attitudes? Geta Shyam
University of Queensland law journal, Volume 37(2), 2018 - in this issue : Does political criticism of judges damage judicial independence? Judicial power project policy exchange J D Heydon / Reflections on the executive power of the Commonwealth : recent developments, interpretational methodology and constitutional symmetry Peter Gerangelos / why were Aborigines originally excluded from the races power? Greg Taylor / Prescriptive fiduciary duties Lionel Smith / Commentary on Professor Lionel D Smith's paper, 'Prescriptive fiduciary duties' Roger Derrington / Archetypes of age and romance : unconscionable conduct and the High Court in Thorne v Kennedy Dilan Thampapillai / Australian Legal Philosophy Students' Association's essay competition winner : Waldron and Dworkin on legitimacy, rights and process Freeman Zhong