New journals

Australian corporate lawyer, Volume 28(4), Summer 2018 - in this issue : A day in the life, Rembert Meyer-Rochow, Director and Senior Corporate Counsel, Autodesk / The opportunity for legal innovation : why the general counsel is first among equals Justin Moses / State of the Australian legaltech market for general counsels Eric Chin / Changes in the legal market via disruptive technologies Darren Hopkins and Brendan Payne / Digitalisation, technology and innovation are changing in-house legal teams Johanna O'Rourke and Sophie Lees / Developments in litigation technology : early sleuthing and scoping Seth Eichenholtz, Tim Donovan and Anne Kershaw / Technology and transport : moving you in(to) the future Kara McGowan and Emily Jordan-Baird / The blockchain : hype or revolution? Matthew Southwell / six steps to overcome resistance to technology change Shauna Maguire / Tighter hiring leaves legal departments seeking revolutionary solutions Jodie Baker