New journals

Australian bar review, Volume 46(3), December 2018 - in this issue : Truth and justice, and sheep Stephen Gageler / London arbitration after Brexit The Hon James Spigelman AC QC / The consequences of rebutting a presumption of advancement J C Campbell QC / Anti-suit injunctions in Australia in aid of an arbitration agreement Lee Carroll / Litigation preclusion : to what extent could (or should) a litigant be barred by prior litigation to which it was not a party? James O'Hara / Privacy in Australia from Federation to framework - will the notifiable data breach regime breathe new life? Nigel Wilson / Damages for breaches of discrimination law - the contemporary Australian jurisprudence and practice Kenneth Yin
Psychiatry, psychology and law, Volume 25(5), October 2018 - in this issue : 'Recognisable psychiatric injury' and tortious compensability for pure mental harm claims in negligence Ian Freckelton and Tina Popa / Judicial sentencing considerations in cases of violent offenders versus sexual offenders Dr Ninawa Butrus / Comparing time off work after work-related mental health conditions across Australian workers' compensation systems : a retrospective cohort study Shannon E Gray and Alex Collie / The effect of expert witness testimony and complainant cognitive statements on mock jurors' perceptions of rape trial testimony Nathan Ryan and Nina Westera / Disorder in the court : Cluster B personality disorders in United States case law Catherine Young, Janice Habarth, Bruce Bongar and Wendy Packman / Saving damsels, sentencing deviants and selective chivalry decisions : juror decision-making in an ambiguous assault case Lauren T Meaux, Jennifer Cox and Megan R Kopkin / 'I am not drunk, I have an ABI' : findings from a qualitative study into systematic challenges in responding to people with acquired brain injuries in the justice system Gaye Lansdell, Bernadette Saunders, Anna Eriksson, Rebecca Bunn and Susan Baidawi / Agre-related differences in spontaneous trait judgments from facial appearance Harriet L Smailes, Joyce E Humphries, Hannah Ryder, Thimna Klatt, John Maltby, Alice M Pearmain and Heather D Flowe / A re-examination of the acquittal biasing effect of offence seriousness Samantha Lundrigan, Madeep K Dhami and Katrin Mueller-Johnson / Factors to consider in evaluating the appropriateness of restraints during forensic evaluations Rachel C Rock, Clayton Shealy and Martin Sellbom / Children who are coached to lie : does linguistic analysis help in understanding why these children are so believable? Kelly L Warren, Carole Peterson and Cassy C Gillingham