New journals

Australian law journal, Volume 93(3), March 2019 - in this issue : Current issues Justice Francois Kunc (ed) - Commissioner Hayne presents his report, ALRC report on class actions, The journey towards a national integrity commission continues, NSW magistrate referred to parliament, You may be, from time to time, required to work reasonable additional hours Edwin Montoya Zorrilla, The curated page Alexie Glass-Kantor / Conveyancing and property Robert Angyal SC and Brendan Edgeworth (eds) Concurrent leases and the fragility of the equitable estate in the Torrens system Linden Griggs and Elise Histed, Possessory title, succession law and the Torrens system : McFarland v Gertos Brendan Edgeworth / Environmental law Justice Rachel Pepper (ed) Significant environmental decisions of the Federal Court Rachel Pepper / Family law Richard Ingleby (ed) Racial vilification and the practice of family law Richard Ingelby / Technology and the law Lyria Bennett Moses and Anna Collyer (eds) When and how should we invite artificial intelligence tools to assist with the administration of law? A note from America Jeff Ward / Recent cases Ruth C A Higgins SC Procedure - civil proceedings in state and territory courts - joinder of causes of action and parties - parties - where application to set aside orders on the basis that applicants should have been joined - China First Pty Ltd v Mount Isa Mines Ltd [2018] QCA 350 Ruth C A Higgins SC, Torts - battery - misfeasance in public office - false imprisonment - malicious prosecution - malicious conduct of police officers - Police Act 1892 (WA) - section 137(5) - solidary liability - Western Australia v Cunningham (No 3) [2018] WASCA 207 Ruth C A Higgins SC / Proportionate liability in commercial cases : principles and practice Graeme S Clarke QC / Barbaro in Queensland : exceptionalism again? H G Fryberg QC / Can schools be liable to their staff and students for sun-related injury? David Hertzberg
Criminal law review, Issue 4, April 2019 - in this issue : Compensation without traumatisation Nicola Padfield / Ministers' business appointments and criminal misconduct Jeremy Horder / Manslaughter by loss of control : sentencing primary victims who kill Nicola Wake / Reflections on manslaughter sentencing guidelines Martin Wasik / Evidence - R v YGM / Gross negligence manslaughter - R v Winterton (Andrew) / Homicide - R v Tas (Ali) / Learning disability - R v Jones (Gareth) / Murder - R v Goodwin (Anthony) / Sentencing - R v Kadiri (Afshan Meesha), Attorney General's Reference (R v O); R v O, R v Smith (Craig William) / Witnesses - Griffiths v Crown Prosecution Service
Law Institute journal, Volume 93(4), April 2019 - in this issue : Enough is enough Stuart Webb / Suppression orders in the open courts era Karin Derkley / Gertie's law Carolyn Ford / The trade-off between fairness and efficiency Simon Moodie / Judge Martine Marich / Obituary - The Hon Philip Damien Cummins AM Hon Murray Kellam / Generational influence : opportunity knocks Mira Stammers / The changing face of labour hire Mark Yorston and Claire Munro-Smith / Trust brings change Michael Lombard and Shyla Sivanas / Fairness and clarity Nick Ellis / A case for abolition Cameron Green / High Court judgments Andrew Yuile / Federal Court judgments Dan Star QC / Family law judgments Robert Glade-Wright / Supreme Court judgments Professor Greg Reinhardt / The lawyer by implication Gino Dal Pont / Are you being heard? Legal Practitioners' Liability Committee / Contempt of court under review VLRC / Compensation for loss Russell Cocks / Innovating for consumer benefit Fiona McLeay / Project targets homeless women Cameron Lavery / Verification software in focus Peter Moran / Tyrany of the inbox Judith Bennett / What does it take to become a law firm partner? John Castello / Continuing treads Carolyn Ford / Power dressing / Tips for managing difficult people Claire Walczac and Alexandra Metherell / Lawyer puts his foot down Karin Derkley
Modern law review, Volume 82(2), March 2019 - in this issue : Regulation by blockchain : the emerging battle for supremacy between the code of law and code as law Karen Yeung / The network of law reviews : citation cartels, scientific communities, and journal rankings Oren Perez, Judit Bar-Ilan, Reuven Cohen and Nir Schreiber / Statistical evidence, assertions and responsibility Liat Levanon / Justice, legitimacy and the authority of legislation within the European Union Martijn van den Brink / Constitutional principle, the rule of law and political reality : the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 Paul Craig / So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu : Brexit and the Charter of Fundamental Rights Catherine Barnard / Two steps forward, one step back : One Step (Support) Ltd v Morris-Garner and Another Caspar Bartscherer / Fog in the gateway : Brownlie v Four Seasons Holdings Inc Joseph Crampin
Psychiatry, psychology and law, Volume 25(6), December 2018 - in this issue : Exploring the educative role of judges' sentencing remarks : an analysis of remarks on child exploitation material Charlotte M Hunn, Helen Cockburn, Caroline Spiranovic and Jeremy Pritchard / Mindfulness-based interventions for youth in the criminal justice system : a review of the research-based literature Rachel Murray, Rebecca Amann and Katey Thom / Man Haron Monis and the Sydney Lindt Cafe Siege - not a terrorist attack Russ Scott and Rodger Shanahan / True and false alibis among prisoners and their detection by police detectives Ricardo Nieuwkamp, Robert Horselenberg and Peter van Koppen / Intimate partner homicide : themes in judges' sentencing remarks Marion Whittle and Guy Hall / Other misconduct evidence in appeals against conviction in child sexual abuse trials Susan Mills and Stefanie J Sharman / Children as alibi witnesses : the effect of age and confidence on mock-juror decision making Hannah Fawcett and Kate Winstanley