New journals

Australian law journal, Volume 93(4), April 2019 - in this issue : Current issues Justice Francois Kunc (ed) - A tale of three cases, Western Australia joins national scheme, Cultural change in the legal profession, Judicial bulling in the United Kingdom, A simultaneous but not joint historic sitting Francois Kunc, The curated page Alexie Glass Cantor / Letter to the editor Angus Stewart SC / Response (to letter to the editor) Dr Damien J Cremean / Conveyancing and property Robert Angyal SC and Brendan Edgeworth (eds) - Discrimination law and strata schemes Cathy Sherry, Playing around with easements Professor Martin Dixon / Constitutional law Anne Twomey (ed) - The Queen's letters Anne Twomey / Class actions Justice Michael B J Lee (ed) The conundrum of competing class actions and the efficiency question Michael Duffy / Recent cases Ruth C A Higgins SC - Criminal practice - trial - summing up - where appellant convicted of drug-related offences - where trial judge made comments on evidence that went beyond arguments advanced by prosecution - whether comments resulted in miscarriage of justice - McKell v The Queen (2019) 93 ALJR 309; [2019] HCA 5 Ruth C A Higgins, Private international law - application for leave to appeal against decision refusing to set aside order for service of originating application out of jurisdiction on foreign shareholder under Federal Court Rules 2011 (Cth) r 10.43 - Tiger Yacht Management Ltd v Morris [2019] FCAFC 8 Michael Douglas / Personalia Emily Vale (ed) - New South Wales - Justice Kelly Rees, Victoria - Justice Steven Moore, Justice Lesley Taylor, Justice Andrew Tinney Emily Vale, New Zealand - Chief Justice Dame Sian Elias, Justice Helen Winkelmann Hon Justice David Collins / Reforming the Australian law of contract - some practical next steps John Eldridge / Internment of terrorism suspects and the Australian constitution Anthony Gray / The internationalisation of Australian criminal lawyers : 25 years of Australians in The Hague Sarah Pitney
Criminal law review, Issue 5, May 2019 - in this issue : A suite of parole reviews Nicola Padfield / Evaluating 30 years of the unduly lenient sentence scheme : Attorney General's references 1988-2017 Lyndon Harris / The timing of consent Paul Jarvis / Youths who kill - when is homicide not homicide? Gareth Branston / Case notes - Abandonment of appeal : R v Furniss (Michael), Compensation orders : R v York (Margaret Mary), Pre-recorded cross-examination (YJCEA 1999 s 28); R v PMH / Adjournment - R (on the application of Rathor) v Southhampton Magistrates' Court / Bladed article - R v D / Child witness - R v RK / Entrapment - R v Syed (Haroon) / Possession of pornographic material - R v Okoro (No 3) / Sentencing - R v Wade (Daniel James), R v Whyte (Graham Patrick), R v A / Trial - R v Sothilingham (Prashad)
Law Institute journal, Volume 93(5), May 2019 - in this issue : Governing for the times Stuart Webb / Attorney-General calls for transparency Carolyn Ford / Group effort saves lives Karin Derkley / LIV launches new strategic plan / Time to rethink conveyancing Justin Toohey / Section 32 statements : the basics Heather Hibberd and Phillip Nolan / Taxing times in conveyancing Heather Hibberd and Phillip Nolan / The perils of pre-contract advice Stephen Bubb / How to avoid the traps Caroline Dew / Off the plan : managing the risks Matthew Rose / E-conveyancing can be e-fficient Heather Hibberd / The value of conveyancing Heather Hibberd / When the stake is at stake Hilary Stokes / Road blocks on the path to settlement Simon Libbis and Dan Prior / High Court judgments Andrew Yuile / Federal Court judgments Dan Star QC / Family law judgments Robert Glade-Wright / Supreme Court judgments Professor Greg Reinhardt / Legacy of compassion (The Hon Philip Cummins) VLRC / Nomination and the ACL Russell Cocks / Addressing sexual harassment Fiona McLeay / Taking the elderly into account Faith Hawthorne and Stephanie Tonkin / Contract probe Peter Moran / Be willing to give advice Kim Carter / Modern slavery : an uncomfortable truth Naomi Hickey-Humble and Vanessa Shambrook / Quick on the draw Carolyn Ford / Break out of the loop Virginia Warren / The drama of law Karin Derkley
Sydney law review, Volume 41(1), March 2019 - in this issue : Inside and outside global law Hans Lindahl / Litigants and legal representatives : a study of special leave applications in the High Court of Australia Pam Stewart and Anita Stuhmcke / The principle of legality : protecting statutory rights from statutory infringement? Bruce Chen / An empirical investigation of 20 years of trade mark infringement litigation in Australian courts Vicki T Huang / Comcare v Banerji : public servants and political communication Kieran Pender