Interesting articles and podcasts

Causation without a cause by Isabel Cusumano of McCabe Curwood - considers Weber v Greater Hume Shire Council [2019] NSWCA 74
Construction company pleads guilty to harming cultural heritage by Jenny Humphris and Alex Buck of Holding Redlich - considers Dunn v Ostwald Construction Material Pty Ltd [2018] QMC 23
Federal Court grants electronic notice application by Jason Opperman, Alex Smith and Catherine Crawford of K&L Gates - considers Quinlan, in the matter of Halifax Investment Services Pty Ltd (In liquidation) (No 4) [2019] FCA 604
High Court of Australia rules non-passengers are precluded from bringing separate nervous shock claims against a carrier arising from the death of a passenger by Matthew Brooks of HWL Ebsworth – considers Parkes Shire Council v South West Helicopters Pty Ltd [2019] HCA 14
A guide to advising on termination of contracts by Stephen Ipp of Greenway Chambers - considers contract termination
Law Report (ABC) for 7 May presented by Damien Carrick - Minneapolis police officer found guilty of killing Australian woman and Two big cases involving big name brands, Penfolds and Bega