New journals

Australian law journal, Volume 95(5), May 2019 - in this issue : Current issues Justice Francois Kunc (ed) The case for adopting the Uluru Statement on its second anniversary - a guest contribution by Arthur Moses SC, President of the Law Council of Australia Arthur Moses SC, The curated page Alexie Glass-Kantor / Conveyancing and property Robert Angyal SC and Brendan Edgeworth (eds) Developments in options Robert Angyal SC / Environmental law Justice Rachel Pepper (ed) New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia Justice Rachel Pepper / Corporations and securities Jason Harris (ed) Corporate law lessons from the Banking Royal Commission Jason Harris / Statutory interpretation The Hon John Basten (ed) Legislative intention The Hon John Basten / Around the nation : Australian Capital Territory Justice David Mossop (ed) New ACT Supreme Court building Justice David Mossop / Around the nation : Northern Territory Hon Dean Mildren AM RFD QC (ed) Lawyering the territory Hon Dean Mildren AM RFD QC / Courts as (living) institutions and workplaces Chief Justice James Allsop / Law reform - future directions The Hon Justice S C Derrington / Law schools and the burden of bureaucracy : release the yoke (a plea from the coalface). Part 1 : over-regulation in Australia Olivia Rundle and Lynden Griggs / The animal as a chattel? Conferring equitable rights on non-human animals Scott Wotherspoon
Cambridge law journal, Volume 78(1), March 2019 - in this issue : Understanding the minimum wage : political economy and legal form Zoe Adams / The public figure doctrine and the right to privacy Kirsty Hughes / Understanding agency : a proxy power definition Rachel Leow / Towards a taxonomy for public and common property Christopher Rodgers / The "legitimate interest in performance" in the law on penalties Solene Rowan / Constitutional rights, civility and artifice Nigel Simmonds / Identification of special mission immunity and the reception of customary international law into English law - R (Freedom and Justice Party) v Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Andrew Sanger / Proportionality at common law : another false dawn - Browne v Parole Board of England and Wales C J S Knight / Reviewing a parole board decision to release - R (DSD and NBV & Ors) v The Parole Board of England and Wales & Ors and John Radford Gavin Dingwall / When will I get out? - R (Stott) v Secretary of State for Justice Nicola Padfield / Novelty in negligence : policy reasoning survives - James-Bowen v Metropolitan Police Commissioner Jonathan Morgan / Second degree Byrne - banca Nazionale de Lavoro v Playboy Club London Tom Foxton / Clearing the ground - nuisance, damage and Japanese knotweed - Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd v Williams and Waistell David Howarth / Further narrowing the scope of unjust enrichment - Prudential Assurance Co Ltd v revenue and Customs Commissioners William Day / A bonfire of religious liberties? - Case C-414/16 Egenberger ECLI:EU:C:2018:257 Martin Steinfeld / EU fundamental rights and their enforcement - Cases C-569/16 and C-570/16 Bauer et al ECLI:EU:C:2018:871 Emilija Leinarte / The right to revoke an EU withdrawal notification : putting the bullet back in the Article 50 chamber - Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union EU:C:2018:999 Kenneth A Armstrong / The state of divorce law - Owens v Owens Sarah Trotter
LSJ, Issue 56, June 2019 - in this issue : Study reveals disturbing rates of bullying and harassment Kate Allman / Six minutes with Mitch Kowalski, Barrister, Solicitor, Author and Professor in Legal Innovation Kate Allman / Experts examine 'seismic shifts' proposed to family law system / Lawyers face cyber risk as property settlements move online / Is Australia next in line for an opioid class action? Kate Allman / Taking on the trauma Amy Dale / Strategic justice Melissa Coade / Building diversity in the legal profession Sam McKeith / In the zone Angela Tufvesson / A day in the life of... Anthony Lo Surdo SC, Sports Lawyer, Arbitrator and Mediator / Class act Melissa Coade / Sunny side up Melissa Coade / How to train for your first marathon Ben Lucas / The case that changed me - Christopher Sutton, Special Counsel, Shine Lawyers Melissa Coade / The latest developments in Law Society advocacy and law reform Law Society Policy and Practice Department / Is this the future of family law? Overview of the ALRC report Dr Felicity Bell / Family arbitration : what is it and how to use it Judge Joe Harman / NSW stamp duty exemption now available in family law arbitration Antonella Sanderson / High Court clarifies when arbitration clauses keep dispute confidential Crispian Lynch, Colleen Platford, Edward Martin, Vincent Giang and Kai Luck / Repeal of IP exemption sees companies racing to review contracts Belinda Breakspear, Jake Grant, Paul McLachlan and Hannah Fas / Freedom of speech in a master/servant relationship Jack de Flamingh / Update on the District Court's commercial jurisdiction Patrick Wiggins and Sebastian Brodowski / Better business management for sustainable practice Glenda Carry / Tips for finalising estate matters Jen McMillan / Growing public awareness of animal cruelty leads to stronger protections Giulia Prosperi-Porta and Rishika Pai / Protecting client confidentiality in the digital era Simone Herbert Lowe / It's the final countdown : econveyancing reaches final milestones Richard Harvey and Gabrielle Lea / The latest from the High Court Andrew Yuile / The latest from the Federal Court Dan Star QC / Family law Robert Glade-Wright / Criminal law Thomas Spohr / Wills and estates Darryl Browne
University of Tasmania law review, Volume 37(1), 2018 - in this issue : Termination for convenience, the doctrine of executive necessity and government contracting : implications for Commonwealth agencies such as defence Mark Giansacpro / Parenting in the aftermath of abduction : comparative insights into the formulation of parenting arrangements post-return to Australia under the Hague Child Abduction Convention Danielle Bozin / Improved security of payment legislation and project bank accounts : a joint solution to payment and insolvency issues in the construction industry? Kyle Bowyer
University of Tasmania law review, Volume 37(2), 2018 - in this issue : Imagining different futures through the courts : a social movement assessment of existing and potential new approaches to climate change litigation in Australia Danny Noonan / Justice and climate transitions Jeremy Moss and Robyn Kath / Ecocide and the carbon crimes of the powerful Rob White / Individual moral duties amidst climate injustice : imagining a sustainable future Steve Vanderheiden / Lawfare, standing and environmental discourse : a phronetic analysis Brendon Murphy and Jeffrey McGee / Climat, culture and music : coping in the anthropocene Simon Kerr