Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts

100 years of women in the law by Lady Hale, President of the Supreme Court at the Girton's Visitor's Anniversary Lecture 2019
Australian made, foreign ingredients and "the ever-present threat of burp-back" by Joanna Lawrence and Tim Rankin of Ashurst - considers Nature's Care Manufacture Pty Ltd v Australian Made Campaign Limited [2018] FCA 1936
Burning out procedural fairness : gross misconduct and unfair dismissal by Erin Kidd of McCabe Curwood - considers Jackson Macumber v Ace Bottle Printers Pty Ltd [2019] FWC 2059
Exclusive jurisdiction clauses in lawyer's terms of engagement by Geoff Farnsworth of Holding Redlich - considers Watson Farley & Williams (Thailand) Ltd v Briton [2018] NSWLC 8
Judicial review – proper, genuine and realistic consideration by Scott Couper and Judith Hishon of Gadens - considers Stambe v Minister for Health [2019] FCA 43 and Stambe v Minister for Health (No 2) [2019] FCA 479
Law Pod UK Ep 80 : HRLA discuss Northern Ireland, human rights and Brexit - panel discussion on the human rights implications of Brexit on Northern Ireland, with Professor Christine Bell, Caoilfhionn Gallagher QC, Professor Ronan McCrea and Lord Kerr
Law Report (ABC) for 28 May presented by Damien Carrick - VLRC considers contempt of court laws and Independent candidate Oliver Yates to take Liberal Party to court over 2019 election signage
Loot boxes in online games – should they be regulated as a form of gambling? by Andrew Hii and Catherine Gamble of Gilbert + Tobin - examines issues related to loot boxes in online games
Native Title gets a boost (a very small one) from the High Court by Georgia McGrath of Marque Lawyers in New Matilda - considers Tjungarrayi v Western Australia [2019] HCA 12