NSW Acts proclaimed and Bills assented

Proclamations commencing Acts
Ageing and Disability Commissioner Act 2019 - published on the legislation website 28 June 2019, see proclamation here, and Act here
Fair Trading Legislation Amendment (Reform) Act 2018 - published on the legislation website 28 June 2019, see proclamation here, and Act here
Paintball Act 2018 No 44 (2019-274) - published on the legislation website 28 June 2019, see proclamation here, and Act here
Bills assented to
Ageing and Disability Commissioner Act 2019 - assented to 25.6.2019. Date of commencement, Part 4 and Sch 1.1 [1] excepted, 1.7.2019, sec 2 (1); date of commencement of Part 4 and Sch 1.1 [1]: not in force.
Appropriation Act 2019 - assented to 25.6.2019. Date of commencement, assent, sec 2.
Appropriation (Parliament) Act 2019 - assented to 25.6.2019. Date of commencement, assent, sec 2.
Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Amendment (Inmate Behaviour) Act 2019 - assented to 25.6.2019. Date of commencement, assent, sec 2.
Local Government Amendment Act 2019 - assented to 25.6.2019. Date of commencement, Schs 1 [4] and [15]–[20] and 2.2 excepted, assent, sec 2 (1); date of commencement of Schs 1 [4] and [15]–[20] and 2.2: not in force.