New journals
Fri Jul 05 2019Australian bar review, Volume 47(2), May 2019 - in this issue : Barwick today R V Gyles / Sir Garfield Barwick address 2018 Ian D F Callinan / A comparison between discrimination under the general law and discrimination in the Australian Constitution David Bennett / Are you sure? James Allsop, Max Coltheart, Robert French and Kerrie Mengersen / The role of equity in 21st century commercial disputes - meeting the needs of any sophisticated and successful legal system Mark Leeming / The offence of sedition : its history, its current status in Australian and international law, and its constitutionality Anthony Gray / Contracting out of statutory prohibitions against misleading or deceptive conduct Richard Scruby
Australian law journal, Volume 93(6), June 2019 - in this issue : Current issues Justice Francois Kunc (ed) Vale Emeritus Professor Michael Coper AO FAAL, Social media law reform in response to killings in Christchurch, Family law developments, Religious freedom remains topical, Alleged breach of suppression orders pursued Justice Francois Kunc, Family law for the future - a "radical" recommendation Hon Justice SC Derrington, A note from the Independent National Security Legislation Monitor Dr James Renwick CSC SC, The curated page Alexie Glass-Kantor / Letter to the editor Hon Ian Holloway PC QC / Conveyancing and property Robert Angyal SC and Brendan Edgeworth (eds) Fixtures and Forge Christopher Pearce, Valuable, invaluable or unvaluable? The High Court on Native Title compensation Brendan Edgeworth / Class actions Justice Michael B J Lee (ed) Looking into the fishbowl - open justice and federal class action settlements Vince Morabito / Around the nation : Australian Capital Territory Justice David Mossop (ed) Justice David Mossop / Corporations and securities Jason Harris (ed) The changing landscape of corporate fundraising Jason Harris / Personalia Emily Vale (ed) Commonwealth - Justice Paul Anastassiou, Justice Michael Wheelahan Emily Vale, New South Wales : The Hon Margaret Joan Beazley AO QC The Hon Justice John Basten / Statistics on trial Professor John S Croucher AM / Limitation of actions and specific performance Perry Herzfeld / Liability of educational institutions for child abuse Jack Maxwell / From Morotai to Manus : the Australian war crimes trials of the Japanese, 1945-1951 and the Australian legal profession Narrelle Morris / Law schools and the burden of bureaucracy : release the yoke (a plea from the coalface). Part 2 : international comparators and a proposal Olivia Rundle and Lynden Griggs
Law Institute journal, Volume 93(7), July 2019 - in this issue : The good fight Stuart Webb / Farewell to the trust account investigators Steven Sapountsis / Minister's bid for corrections Carolyn Ford / Small firms win big Carolyn Ford / Supporting practitioners to do the right thing / Where professional privilege is blurred Nareeda Lewers / Justice Paul Anastassiou Stuart Webb / Beds are burning Megan Thorburn / Forfeiting your right Michael Wise QC / When three's a crowd Charles Noonan / In confidence Jayr Teng / Lowering the bar of admissibility Anthony Berger / High Court judgments Andrew Yuile / Federal Court judgments Dan Star QC / Family law judgments Robert Glade-Wright / Supreme court judgments Professor Greg Reinhardt / Do they have the authority Legal Practitioners' Liability Committee / Have your say on committal hearings VLRC / Working order conditions Russell Cocks / New powers to target corporate wrongdoing John Price / Meet Josef Peter Morgan / Investing in access to justice Fiona McLeay / Entitlement to interest on refund of legal costs paid Janine Wirth / Doing super better Andrew Proebstl / Rory's law a winner Carolyn Ford / Beating the winter slump Converge / Game for anything Karin Derkley
LSJ (Law Society journal), Issue 57, July 219 - in this issue : Six minutes with Mitch Wallis / Legal luminaries honoured for Queen's birthday / Year 101 : what next for women in law? / OLSC urges lawyers to disclose harassment and bullying / Report reveals 'widespread' mental health discrimination in travel insurance / Campaign to stop police strip-searching minors / World-first legal battle hopes to save a culture Kirrily Schwarz / At lunch with David Bushby, Managing Director, Incounsel Claire Chaffey / The hidden workplace hazard Kate Allman / So you want to be a politician? Kirrily Schwarz / Families in crisis Amy Dale / Sitting pretty in the workplace / How to command the boardroom Michael Kelly / Chasing the exotic Melissa Coade / Going it alone Angela Tufvesson / The science of recovery Ben Lucas / The case that changed me - Amanda Banton Melissa Coade / The latest developments in Law Society advocacy and law reform Law Society Policy and Practice Department / When it comes to human rights, is it time NSW caught up? Maria Nawaz and Andrew Small / What you didn't know about the landmark Rocky Hill judgment John Watts, Ken Eveleigh, Michael Manikas and Jeff Kite / Substance over form - Fair Work Commission cuts some slack Jack de Flamingh and Chris Bell / Consent, the Privacy Act and biometric scanners in the workplace Athena Koelmeyer and Nicola Josey / Privilege pitfalls : implied waiver in email chains Cynthia Cochrane and Catherine Bembrick / Conflict of interest - do you have a conflict check procedure system? Frances Moffitt / New driving laws : a zero-sum game for NSW John Sutton / Estate planning and superannuation death benefits Darryl Browne / Online court in the District Court of NSW James Howard / Financial regulation and a vulnerable Indigenous community Talitha Fishburn / Advising on the purchase of land? Beware the sting of GST withholding Jim Main / The latest from the High Court Andrew Yuile / The latest from the Federal Court Dan Star QC / Family law Robert Glade-Wright / Criminal law Thomas Spohr / Wills and estates Darryl Browne
Proctor, Volume 39(6), July 2019 - in this issue : Let the light shine on - honouring the Fitzgerald legacy Bill Potts / Your growing profession - how Queensland stacks up Rolf Moses / In memoriam John Butler / Why you should develop a growth mindset Sheila Kushe / The shadow of the past - does it fall on the present? Bill Potts and Shane Budden / O.I.A - the three letters poorly behaved government officials need to fear Tony Keim / Flying high under the radar Tony Keim / Saving a generation lost in the youth justice crisis Tony Keim / The times change, the suffering remains John Robertson / The state of youth justice Damien Atkinson / Changing the culture of civil litigation - views from the court Justice Peter Applegarth and Julie Ruffin / New exhibition : Overturning terra nullius the story of native title Charla Strelan / Subpoenas : narrowing scope and setting aside Kylie Downes QC and Will LeMass / Fake friends find a flaw - new power of attorney laws may offer a loophole Christine Smyth / Spam to scam - the growth of email fraud Jacob Stacey / Adieu, r 2.11 - publication of notices of winding up applications under the Corporations Act Jessica Lambert and Joelle Lenz / Successive representation - the duty to protect confidences versus the duty to disclose Stafford Shepherd / How to distribute trust property in corporate insolvency Joshua Storey / Court confirms 'interchangable' supervisory terms Robert Glade-Wright / High Court and Federal Court casenotes Andrew Yuile and Dan Star QC / Court of Appeal judgments Bruce Godfrey / Basic entitlements - notice of termination and redundancy pay Rob Stevenson
Psychiatry, psychology and law, Volume 26(2), April 2019 - in this issue : Evidence based psychosocial treatments of conduct problems in children and adolescents : an overview Uberto Gatti, Ignazio Grattagliano and Gabrielle Rocca / An analysis of high-risk offending pathways for young females in custody Stephane M Shepherd, Danielle Newton, Cieran Harries, Rebecca L Fix and Rachael Fullam / Perceptions of exonerees in Australia Jane Tudor-Owen, Adrian J Scott, Pamela J Henry and Gregory Stratton / The science behind Bayley v The Queen (2016) Alena Skalon and Jennifer L Beaudry / A pilot study exploring mental health consumers' experiences with the police Lily B Jones and Stuart D M Thomas / Police perceptions of the impact that ADHD has on conducting cognitive interviews with youth Kimberley J Cunial, Leanne M Casey, Clare Bell and Mark R Kebbell / Assessng the risk of Australian indigenous sexual offenders reoffending : a review of the research literature and court decisions Alfred Allan, Catherine L Parry, Anna Ferrante, Christine Gillies, Catherine S Griffiths, Francis Morgan, Caroline Spiranovic, Stephen Smallbone, Hilde Tubex and Stephen C P Wong / A descriptive study of psychosocial characteristics and offense patters in females with online child pornography offences William Bickart, Alix M McLearen, Melissa D Grady and Katie Stoler / Dynamic risk factors, protective factors and value-laden practices Roxanne Heffernan and Tony Ward / Obituary - Philip Damien Cummins Ian Freckelton QC