New journals
Alternative law journal, Volume 44(2), 2019 - in this issue : Mental health treatment and human rights Ian Freckelton QC / The controversial case of Lawyer X : should lawyers be prevented from acting as human sources? Elyse Methven / Mental health courts : providing access to justice for people with mental illness and cognitive impairments Liz Richardson / 'I'll just Google that!' Online searches and the post-separation family law information experience Jonathan Crowe, Rachael Field, Lisa Toohey, Helen Partridge and Lynn McAllister / The cashless debit card and rights of persons with disabilities Shelley Bielefeld and Fleur Beaupert / Welfare meeting financial services : the cashless debit card dichotomy Marina Nehme / 'It's easy to say "don't sign anything"' : debt problems among recent migrants from a non-English-speaking background Evgenia Bourova, Ian Ramsay and Paul Ali / Nanomedicine regulation in Australia Mia M Rahim / Criminalising infection : questioning the assumption that transmitting HIV constitutes grievous bodily harm Thomas Poberezny-Lynch / Lost in translation : gaps between law and practice in customer-perpetrated sexual harassment Hannah Walker, Patricia Easteal, Allison Ballard and Karen Blake / Are we reading enough crime? Examining the content and depth of criminal law courses Helen Gibbon and Alex Steel / The rule of law, arbitrariness and institutional virtue Keith Thompson / Lawyers as human sources? Robert Corr / Girlie down under / Our choice Paul Babie
Civil justice quarterly, Volume 38(3), 2019 - in this issue : The perils of peer review - can the process be improved? Andrew Higgins and Inbar Levy / UK Supreme Court rules that English companies can be sued for actions of foreign subsidiaries in the interests of "substantial justice" : Vedanta Resources v Lungowe [2019] UKSC 20 Suzanne Chiodo / Finality and judgments obtained by fraud : Takhar v Gracefield Developments Ltd [2019] UKSC 13 Harry Stratton / A priceless victory for consumers : the court of appeal revitalises competition law's collective actions : Merricks v Mastercard [2019] EWCA Civ 674 Jack Williams and Alan Bates / Abuse of process : tactical litigation involving multiple proceedings in multiple jurisdictions results in permanent stay : UBS AG v Tyne [2018] HCA 45 Christopher Murphy / Improving procedural fairness in housing possession cases Dr Lisa Whitehouse, Professor Susan Bright and Professor Mandeep Dhami / Judicial policy, public perception, and the science of decision making : a new framework for the law of apprehended bias Andrew Higgins and Inbar Levy / The current scope of the regulatory regime of the Association of Litigation Funders - what is in and what is out in light of recent changes Mark Baldock
Public law, July 2019 - in this issue : The Prince of Wales at 70 and the survival of the monarchy Robert Blackburn QC / The Venice Commission and the rule of law crisis Richard Clayton QC / From early resolution to conceptual confusion : R (on the application of Gallaher Group Ltd) v Competition and Markets Authority Hayley J Hooper / Proceedings in parliament Graeme Watt / The implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Nigeria Muyiwa Adigun / Compounding vulnerability and concealing unfairness : decision-making processes in the UK's anti-trafficking framework Samantha Currie / Building on the past, understanding the devolution process : a housing case study Steffan Evans / A different tale of judicial power : administrative review as a problematic response to the judicialisation of tribunals Robert Thomas and Joe Tomlinson / Privacy at the intersection of public law and private law Jelena Gligorijevic / Current survey