The Library Bulletin


New law reports

Fri Aug 02 2019

Northern Territory law reports, Volume 37(1-3), July 2019 - in this issue : Alderson v Northern Land Council / Alice Springs Town Council v Watts / Attorney-General (NT) v Legal Practitioner / Bann v Frew / Bassett v Bassett / Campbell v Arnold / connair Pty Ltd v Frederiksen / Court v Arnold / Dalywater v Dalywater / Davidson v Board of Territory Insurance Office / Day and Dent Constructions Pty Ltd (in liq) v North Australian Properties Pty Ltd (in prov liq) / Fry v Jennings / Godhino v Willard / Griffiths v Errington / Lombardo Marine Group Pty Ltd v Goldsworthy / Milingimbi Community Inc v Fazlic / Mobasa Pty Ltd v Nikic / Munn v Trippe / Patsalidies v Magoulias / Prus-Grzybowski v Everingham / R v Coburn; Ex parte Formin / R v Mackie / R v Martin; Ex parte Aboriginal Sacred Sites Production Authority / Sesar v Haymon / Tarry v Pryce (No 2) / Tippett v Murphy / TNT Bulkships Ltd v Hopkins (No 1) / Wilhelmsen v Frew / Zabic v Nabalco

Northern Territory law reports, Volume 38(1-3), July 2019 - in this issue : Chamberlain, Re Convictions of / Enterprise Gold Mines NL v Mineral Horizons NL / Green v The Queen / Heller Financial Services Ltd v Solczaniuk / Jabarula v Bell / Jabarula v Poore / Lackersteen v Jones / Limbo v Little / M (a juvenile) v Waldron / Nicholls v Thiel / O'Neil v Acott / R v Bird / R v Jabalthari / Sharples v Northern Territory / TNT Bulkships Ltd v Hopkins (No 2) / White Constructions (NT) Pty Ltd v Mutton

South Australian state reports, Volume 132(2), July 2019 - in this issue : Chadrysiak v Commissioner of Highways / R v Buckingham / R v C, S / R v Hamnett / R v Hayles / R v Moore-McQuillan / R v Pali / R v Valesic

State reports (Western Australia), Volume 97(1), July 2019 - in this issue : Jashan Technology Pty Ltd v Phoenix Properties International Pty Ltd / Radha Soami Satsang Beas Australia Pty Ltd v City of Swan / Warr v Town of Cambridge

Western Australian reports, Volume 54(1), July 2019 - in this issue : East Metropolitan Health Servce v Popovic as executrix of the will of Popovic / Osborne Park Commercial Pty Ltd v Miloradovic


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