Law library created in Normanton, Qld

Thanks to generous donations a law library has been created in the small cattle town of Normanton, Queensland. Barrister Susan Burton Phillips has been instrumental in co-ordinating the donations.
The driver of the initiative is Andrew Dawes, Community Justice Coordinator of the Lamberr Wungarch Justice Group.
The group has the following aims and objectives :
• Increase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples knowledge about the justice system • Support and empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander victims and offenders at all stages of the legal process • Improve the links between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and statutory workers, police and the courts • Develop community based strategies that provide an alternative to the criminal justice system
In creating the library Andrew said that it was for the future judge of the High Court who will come from Normanton.
If you would like further information please contact Susan