New journals
Australian law journal, Volume 93(9), September 2019 - in this issue : Current issues Justice Francois Kunc (ed) Religious freedom Francois Kunc, The curated page Alexie Glass-Kantor / The future of religious freedom Patrick Parkinson AM / Can Australian law better protect freedom of religion? Nicholas Aroney / Protecting religious freedom in a Human Rights Act Harry Hobbs and George Williams / Towards re-thinking "balancing" in the courts and the legislature's role in protecting religious liberty Joel Harrison / Evidence of absence in the Ruddock Report Jeremy Patrick / Religious schools and discrimination against staff on the basis of sexual orientation : lessons from European human rights jurisprudence Anja Hilkemeijer and Amy Maguire / Religious schools, religious vendors and refusing services after Ruddock : diversity or discrimination? Alex Deagon / Enforcing conformity : criminalising religiously inspired acts Michael Quinlan / The good of religion Joshua Neoh
University of New South Wales law journal, Volume 42(3), 2019 - in this issue : Editorial Anna Holtby / Foreword The Hon Justice James Edelman / The renewal of the old : Lionel Murphy's progressive-relational conception of property Paul Babie and Kyriaco Nikias / The increments of justice : exploring the outer reach of Akiba's edge towards native title 'ownership' Simon Young / Implications of climate change for western concepts of ownership : Australian case study Vanessa Johnston and Ben France-Hudson / Dismantling Doodeward : guided discretion as the superior basis for property rights in human biological material Kate Falconer / In support of tolerated use : rethinking harms, moral rights and remedies in Australian copyright law Kylie Pappalardo and James Meese / Property and the State or 'the folly of Torrens' : a comparative perspective Daniel Fitzpatrick, Caroline Compton and Joseph Foukona / No longer unregulated, but still controversial : home sharing and the sharing economy Callum Ritchie and Brendan Grigg / Jurisdictional error as conceptual totem Leighton McDonald / Drones and invasion of privacy : an international comparison of legal responses Des Butler / Unsystematic and unsettled : a map of the legal dimensions of workplace investigations in Australia Adriana Orifici / Family violence, cross-examination and self-represented parties in the courtroom : the differences, gaps and deficiencies Tracey Booth, Miranda Kaye and Jane Wangmann
University of Queensland law journal, Volume 38(1), 2019 - in this issue : Technology and the future of the court Chief Justice James Allsop AO / Australian class action settlement distribution scheme design - deciding who gets what Rebecca Gilsenan and Michael Legg / Fiduciary accessories Robert Flannigan / Sir Harry Gibbs and Papua New Guinea The Hon Justice James Douglas / Examining the legitimacy of police powers to search portable electronic devices in Queensland Matthew Raj and Russ Marshall / Australia's new espionage laws : another case of hyper-legislation and over-criminalisation Sarah Kendall / Faster, higher, stronger, upgraded : a conceptual basis for the future regulation of elite sport Daniel Goldsworthy