Interesting articles and podcasts
The clerk's eye view of Justice John Paul Stevens - onAmicus with Dahlia Lithwick professors Sonja West and Jamal Greene remember the late Justice John Paul Stevens
Law Pod UK Episode 95 : A rogue prorogation - Emma-Louise Fenelon, Jo Moore and Jon Metzer discuss the decision in Cherry and others v Advocate General for Scotland [2019] UKSC 41
Law Report (ABC) for 1 October presented by Damien Carrick - Climate change litigation targets super fund
A lost opportunity? Full Federal Court holds that mere 'abstract ideas' using 'generic computer technology' lack patentability by Kate Hay, Colette Downey and James Beavis of Corrs Chambers Wetgarth - considers Encompass Corporation Pty Ltd v InfoTrack Pty Ltd [2019] FCAFC 161
A "monster" ruling on the admissibility of various internet resources by Tristan Hocking and Joanna Lawrence of Ashurst - considers Rodney Jane Racing Pty Ltd v Monster Energy Company [2019] FCA 923
No oral modification clauses by Ben Jacobs and Ashley Cameron of Greenway Chambers - examines "no oral modification" clauses
Saying hello, waiving goodbye (to privilege) by Tim Case and Alan Wrigley of McCullough Robertson - considers legal professional privilege
"Sufficient cause" and "otherwise orders" : making a family provision claim more than 12 months after the date of death by Philip Davis of HWL Ebsworth - considers Sreckovic v Sreckovic [2018] NSWSC 1597