Interesting articles and podcasts
Disinformation takes on a new face : 'deepfakes' and the current legal landscape by Alexander Ryan and Andrew Hii of Gilbert + Tobin - examines the use of computer-generated imagery to create video or audio 'deepfakes' in which people appear to be doing things that they never did
Ill or injured employees : when is termination 'valid'? by Brett Feltham and Katie White of Gadens - considers Jack v Sigma Healthcare T/A Sigma Healthcare [2019] FWC 6364
Law Report (ABC) for 8 October presented by Damien Carrick - How to de-radicalise juvenile terror offenders. And speech pathologists unpacking legal jargon
A reasonable lifestyle? by Tim Ainsworth and Tarana Singh of HWL Ebsworth - considers Reece v Comcare [2019] AATA 3499 and ZXCF v Comcare [2019] AATA 3572 and section 16 of the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 (Cth)