New journals
AIAL forum, Issue 96, September 2019 - in this issue : Contemporary challenges in merits review : the AAT in a changing Australia The Hon Justice David Thomas / Recent developments Katherine Cook / The three forms of executive power and the consequences for administrative law review David Patrick Hertzberg / Dealing with self-represented parties Graeme Neate / Adventures on the administrative decision-making continuum : reframing the role of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Matthew Paterson / Defining the boundaries of non-statutory executive power in Australia : a migration law perspective Laura Butler
Alternative law journal, Volume 44(3), 2019 - in this issue : A hoax of blokes : election 2019 Graeme Orr / Reforming proceeds of crime legislation : political reality or pipedream? Natalie Skead, Tamara Tulich, Sarah Murray and Hilde Tubex / Sharing elements of effective practice to address earlier signs of family violence Liz Curran / Religions should be required to be transparent in their use of exemptions in anti-discrimination law Renae Baker / Consent, custom and international law in South Africa : what Australian lawmakers could learn Stephen Young / Un-translatable? Interpreting customary laws in a western courtroom Luke Hannath / Trump, Twitter and the first amendment Jemimah Roberts / As easy as riding a bike? How mandatory bicycle helmet laws may harm those who can least afford it Carlo Dellora / Corporate social responsibility, human rights and law firms Claudia Carr / Internship courses for all? Supporting students undertaking unpaid university-run legal internships Laura Grenfell and Cornelia Koch / Clinical programs, social justice and transformation through student learning Lindsey Stevenson-Graf / Straight man's burden Joanna Joy / Reconciling rights-based discourse with Pacific culture and way-of-life : re-defining our understanding of 'rights' Gina Zheng / Mandatory bicycle helmet laws and the disabled Robert Corr / Girlie shoots the messenger
Civil justice quarterly, Volume 38(4), 2019 - in this issue : Defining strategic litigation Michael Ramsden and Kris Gledhill / Comparing the efficiency and quality of civil justice in Scandinavia : the role of structural differences and definitions of quality Anna Nylund / Finding the holy grail of commercial mediation research : an empirical study of insurance mediation users in New Zealand Dr Grant Morris / Exploring voice as a justice factor in mediation Lola Akin Ojelabi / Australian Law Reform Commission Class Action and Litigation Funding Report : empowering courts, monitoring funders, supporting contingency fees for class action lawyers and proposing reviews of shareholder class actions and collective redress Michael Legg / Law Commission of Ontario Report : Class Actions : objectives, experiences and reforms Suzanne Chiodo / A fresh look at familiar problems : proposals for reform of the UK immigration and asylum system Alan Desmond
Commonwealth law bulletin, Volume 44(3), September 2018 - in this issue : Time to waive LPP on government legal advice in the UK Gavin Murphy / The doctrine of substantial performance : comparisons between English and Malaysian law Sri Bala Murugan Gogulanathan / Design standards for laws to ensure effective democracy Roy Lee / The English common law criminal defence and excuse of necessity : a critical comparison of the customary law and commonplace Gary I Lilienthal / Resolving the cultural right-animal right conflict in India : analyzing Article 29(1) through the paradigm of Jallikattu Dushyant Thakur / Legal strategy for resolving the socio-economic and environmental symptoms of the resource curse in Nigeria : the role of impact and benefit agreements (IBAs) Godswill Agbaitoro / Judicial approaches to combating 'revenge porn' : a multi-jurisdictional perspective Jason Haynes / The right of access to state-held information in Botswana : lessons from emerging international human rights jurisprudence Tachilisa Badala Balule and Baboki Jonathan Dambe / The Hague judgments project : assessing its plausible benefits for the development of the Indian private international law Saloni Khanderia / Connecting the dots : relevance of sustainable development principles in addressing environmental protection issues in Nigeria's oil industry E U Onyeabor, Onyedikachi Josiah Alozie, Joycelin Okubuiro, Anthony Ifeanyi Onuigbo and Nadubuisi Augustine Nwafor / Constitutional literacy in Africa : challenges and prospects Charles Manga Fombad
Conveyancer and property lawyer, Volume 83(3), 2019 - in this issue : Dishonest strangers Martin Dixon / Tied up in knotweed Russell Hewitson / Resolving the status of bare trust Robert Flannigan / Mortgage possession at a crossroads : which way should we turn? Dr Lisa Whitehouse / The traditional concept hits the bunker : easements after Regency Villas Title Ltd v Diamond Resorts (Europe) Ltd Gavin McLeod / Lu Xing Juan v Estate of Hui Shui See : promissory estoppel where the family home is owned by a company Michael Lower / Golf and the law Alec Samuels / Don't dismiss the relevance of subjective intentions to adverse possesion : Malik v Malik Robin Hickey / The Earl's daughter - lessons from the Inheritance Act : Wellesley v Earl Cowley Richard Hedlund / Fencing easements, their true character and how they arise : Churston Golf Club Ltd v Haddock Andrew Cash
Criminal law review, Issue 10, 2019 - in this issue : The Sentencing (Pre-Consolidation Amendments) Bill Nicola Padfield / Autobiographical memory misconceptions and the police investigative response to rape complaints Louise Taylor and Lucy Justice / A credible solution? Non-defendant's bad character and section 100 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 Diane Birch / Can fugitives argue "culpable delay" by the authorities in extradition proceedings? Howard Riddle / Cases and comments : Committal for sentence - McNamara (James) v Public Prosecution Service (NI), Homicide - R v Hussain (Imran), Indictment - R v Dillion (Geoffrey), Proceeds of crime - R v S, Public entry to courtroom - R (on the application of Ewing) v Isleworth Crown Court, Sentencing - R v Akbar (Chaudry Muhammad), R v Chin-Charles (Aron Stefan) ; R v Cullen (Anthony), Slavery - R v Nguyen (T H) ; R v Nguyen (V H) ; R v Tran, Trial - R v Chauhan (Manjoi) ; R v Croft (Terence)
Judicial review, Volume 14(2), October 2019 - in this issue : Jury directions : the struggle for simplicity and clarity The Honourable Virginia Bell AC / Who judges the judges, and how should they be judged? The Honourable T F Bathurst AC / Extended joint criminal enterprise - "top-down" or "bottom-up" legal reasoning? The Honourable Justice Weinberg AO / Judicial review and the Land and Environment Court Professor Margaret Allars / The role of holistic approaches in reducing the rate of recidivism for young offenders Associate Professor Jioji Ravulo
Law quarterly review, Volume 135, October 2019 - in this issue : Equity in business Lord Briggs of Westbourne / "O Lord make me pure - but not yet" : granting time for the amendment of unlawful legislation Jonathan Morgan / Labour law and the labour market : employment status reconsidered Zoe Adams / Common law protection for injury to a person's reproductive autonomy Stephen Todd / The search for common intention : the status of an executed, express declaration of trust post-Stack and Jones Chris Bevan
LSJ, Issue 60, October 2019 - in this issue : Six minutes with Mary Digiglio, Managing Partner, Swaab Attorneys / Bench beckons for Sophia Beckett / Abortion decriminalised in NSW amid fierce debate Amy Dale / Making our targets sweat Gabrielle Upton MP / At lunch with Rosalind Croucher Kate Allman / Forgotten faces : the legal status of Australia's missing persons Kirrily Schwarz / The country lawyer at war James Unkles / Going Dutch Alice Ramsay / Stop negotiating nicely / Listen to your body Thea O'Connor / Doing it for the kids Amy Dale / Is BMI the best measure of health? Angela Tufvesson / Not born to run? Ben Lucas / The case that changed me - Larina Alick Amy Dale / The latest developments in Law Society advocacy and law reform Law Society Policy and Practice Department / Chorley abolished! High Court has final say Michelle Castle and Andrew Bailey / New Singapore Convention set to bring greater certainty to international mediation Anthony Lo Surdo SC / Three compliance considerations for staff recruitment Glenda Carry / A day in the life : Federal Court takes personal leave back to basics Jack de Flamingh and Allanah Hogan / New sentencing statistics now available on the Judicial Information Research System Mark Zaki / The CDPP's e-Brief referral Guidelines : modernising the conduct of federal prosecutions Ilan Lewis / Anti-competitive IP transactions under the spotlight Cynthia Cochrane and Catherine Bembrick / Financial services providers under pressure to act 'efficiently, honestly and fairly' Brendan May / Practical tips for dealing with testamentary capacity David Price / Minor injuries under the Motor Accident Injuries Act Belinda Cassidy / Change leadership for a dynamic profession Dr Justine Rogers and Dr Felicity Bell / Practical tips for conveyancing solicitors in a changing economy Rosemary Workman / The latest from the High Court Andrew Yuile / The latest from the Federal Court Dan Star QC / Family law Robert Glade-Wright / Criminal law Thomas Spohr / Elder law and succession Darryl Browne