New journals
Criminal law review, Issue 11, November 2019 - in this issue : Algorithms in the criminal justice system Nicola Padfield / The frailties of human memory and the accused's right to accurate procedures Andrew Roberts / Prosecution appeals and references - not enough of a good thing? Catarina Sjölin / Criminalising "the worst" part : operationalising the offence of coercive control in England and Wales Paul McGorrey and Marilyn McMahon / The M'Nagten Rules - a brief historical note Ronnie Mackay / Cases and comments - Costs : R (on the application of Hollloway) v Harrow Crown Court, Evidence : R v Moody (Macaulay), Homicide : R v Challen (Georgina), Institution of criminal proceedings : DPP v McFarlane, Prosecution : R (on the application of Torpey) v Director of Public Prosecutions, Sentencing : Attorney General's Reference (R v Bailey), R v Bennett (Liam David), DPP v Giles, Trial : R v Patten (Ralph)