New journals
University of New South Wales law journal, Volume 42(4), 2019 - in this issue : Editorial Shivika Gupta / Limitations of Australia's legal hardship protections for women with debt problems caused by economic abuse Evgenia Bourova, Ian Ramsay and Paul Ali / Breaking backs and boiling frogs : warnings from a dialogue between Federal water law and environmental law Rebecca Nelson / What happens when books enter the public domain? Testing copyright's underuse hypothesis across Australia, New Zealand, the United States and Canada Jacob Flynn, Rebecca Giblin and Francois Petitjean / Unravelling redress for institutional abuse of children in Australia Kathleen Daly and Juliet Davis / The participation of indigenous Australians in legal education, 2001-18 Harry Hobbs and George Williams / Retaining the Royal prerogative of mercy in New South Wales Catherine Greentree / Mature minors and parenting disputes in Australia : engaging with the debate on best interests v autonomy Lisa Young / Children's competence to testify in Australian courts : implementing the Royal commission recommendation Sonja P Brubacher, Natalie Hodgson, Jane Goodman-Delahunty, Martine B Powell and Nina Westera / To COMMIT is just the beginning : applying therapeutic jurisprudence reform parole in Australia Max Henshaw, Lorana Bartels and Anthony Hopkins / The High Court on constitutional law : the 2018 statistics Andrew Lynch and George Williams / The ingredients of success for effective restorative justice conferencing in an environmental offending context Hadeel Al-Alosi and Mark Hamilton