Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
The academy and the courts : what do they mean to each other today? presented by Chief Justice Susan Kiefel AC at the Australian Academy of Law Patron's Address
ACCC v Google – a new cop on the privacy beat? by Melissa Fai, Mark Ferguson and Alexander Ryan of Gilbert + Tobin - the ACCC has filed a suit alleging that Google breached the Australian Consumer Law
Algorithms, artificial intelligence and the law presented by Lord Sales at the Sir Henry Brooke Lecture for BAILII, London
Are you in substantial breach of your contract? Unauthorised subcontracting and failing to appoint a superintendent by Scott Watson and Emma Costello of King and Wood Mallesons - considers Advanced National Services Pty Ltd v Daintree Contractors Pty Ltd [2019] NSWCA 270 and SHA Premier Constructions Pty Ltd v Niclin Constructions Pty Ltd [2019] QCA 201
Law in Action (BBC) for 19 November presented by Joshua Rozenberg - What's it really like to be in prison?
Law Pod UK Episode 98 : AI : opportunity or threat? - considers use of artificial intelligence and algorithms in the legal profession
Law Report (ABC) for 19 November presented by Damien Carrick - High Court to decide Akon Guode infanticide, murder sentence anomaly