Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Civil penalty applications and the privilege against penalty by Ian Latham of Denman Chambers - examines civil penalty applications
Conversations (ABC) with Sarah Kanowski - The honourable fight : 16 years as Director of Public Prosecutions NSW - conversation with Nicholas Cowdery
Easements : knowing when to fight and when to surrender by Sydney Jacobs of 13 Wentworth - an update on easements
Law Report (ABC) for 26 November presented by Damien Carrick - How Australia, Canada assess asylum seekers' claims for refugee status
Media freedoms - striking a balance by Arthur Moses SC at the Media and Communications Seminar in Sydney - examines media freedoms
"Something more, something less" : the contemporary meaning of open justice by T F Bathurst AC at the Communications and Media Law Association - examines open justice
Suitability vs capability – is there a difference? by Andrew Gorman of McCabe Curwood - considers NRMA v Gurbuz Aslan [2019] NSWSC 1587
The wait is over : Equator Principles 4 is here by Phillip Cornwell and Jo Ye of Allens Linklaters - examines the 4th version of the Equator Principles