Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Is clothing destroyed during the course of treatment compensable? by Helen Huang of McCabes
Did you get permission to cheat? Copyright infringement matter taken all the way to the High Court by Chris Headon of Chamberlains
Enthusiasm does not guarantee a binding contract, but interest might! by David Pearce, Gemma Osborne and Jarryd Cox of Minter Ellison
False and misleading statements – potential to attract criminal and civil penalties by Scott Couper of Gadens
Law Report (ABC) for 5 March presented by Damien Carrick - Non-disclosure agreements in sexual harassment cases
NSW EPA now targeting more directors, managers and employees for environmental crimes by Michael Causer, Michelle Astridge, Kate Dean and Luke Salem of King and Wood Mallesons
The sordid controversies of litigants? Why and when facts matter, Lady Rose, The Neill Law Lecture 2024
Snark hunting : a search for tracing's underlying rationale, Justice Roger Derrington, 23rd Annual WA Lee Equity Lecture