Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
The 5 cases podcast presented by Paul Coady of Public Defenders Chambers, Caitlin Akthar of Forbes Chambers and Sophie Anderson of Commercial Bank Chambers - Episode 6 : R v Narouz [2024] NSWCCA 14, Wells v R [2024] NSWCCA 8, Hickey v Director of Public Prosecutions (NSW) [2024] NSWSC 191, AM v R [2024] NSWCCA 26, Baines v Rex [2023] NSWCCA 302
The Administrative Review Tribunal Bill : a missed opportunity for ending migration exceptionalism and creating a unified approach for administrative review by Daniel Ghezelbash, Mia Bridle and Keyvan Dorostkar on Australian Public Law
Answering the perennial question – when is a ship not a ship? by Geoff Farnsworth and Jonathon Parkin of Holding Redlich
ART appointments : is this the start of something beautiful? by Joe McIntyre on Australian Public Law
Behind code doors – can AI be trusted to keep a secret? by Daniel Kiley, Caitlin Surman and Max Soulsby of HWL Ebsworth
Implications for the dollar of central bank digital currencies by Ross P. Buckley, UNSW Law Research Paper No. 24-6
Landmark decision in ASIC versus Finder Wallet : exploring legal boundaries of crypto-assets by John Bassilios, Max Ding and Wilson Lee of Hall & Wilcox
Law Report (ABC) for 19 March presented by Damien Carrick - Protecting IP rights: a guide for divorcees and inventors
The sordid controversies of litigants? Why and when facts matter, Lady Rose, The Neill Law Lecture 2024
When you wear AI on your sleeve by Peter Waters of Gilbert + Tobin