Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
A federal Human Rights Act : turning over a new leaf on climate litigation? by Amy Tan on Australian Public Law
Goldmate v TfNSW - a further consideration of the "public purpose" by Tom White and Alex Beale of Lander and Rogers
How do judges decide cases in the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council?, Lord Reed, University of the West Indies, Faculty of Law 2024
How our brains use autocorrect on Conversations presented by Sarah Kanowski
Key features of the new Administrative Review Tribunal, Justice Kyrou, COAT (SA) seminar
Law Down Under Podcast presented by Chris Patterson - E30 Cross examination with Larry Pozner
Law Report (ABC) for 30 April presented by Damien Carrick - Tikanga: incorporating Māori concepts in NZ common law
New homicide statistics show surge in intimate partner killings – and huge disparity in First Nations victims by Rick Sarre on The Conversation