Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
The 5 cases podcast presented by Paul Coady of Public Defenders Chambers, Caitlin Akthar of Forbes Chambers and Sophie Anderson of Commercial Bank Chambers - Episode 8 : Bugmy v DPP [2024] NSWCA 70, R v RB [2024] NSWSC 471, El Seidi v R [2021] NSWCCA 303, Lang v The Queen [2023] HCA 29, Hatahet v R [2023] NSWCCA 305
The adequacy of judicial review as a means of overseeing the use of automation in administrative decision-making by Nicola Johnson and Michelle Harradine of Hall and Wilcox
Federalism, the courts and class actionsCorporateConductSymposium.pdf ""), Justice Beech-Jones, Corporate Conduct + Class Actions Symposium
Law Report (ABC) for 14 May presented by Damien Carrick - War crimes whistleblower David McBride sentenced; Bad Neighbours: water
Trends in international law litigation : an Australian perspectiveMiddleTempleLecture.pdf ""), Justice Gleeson, Middle Temple International Sub-Committee Lecture
Waiver of legal professional privilege in regulatory investigations by Toby Boys and Sam Shaw of Holding Redlich