Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Co-producing automated public decision-making, Oliver Butler, Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Law
Coercive control - Episode 1 (Part 1) and Episode 1 (Part 2) and Episode 2 hosted by Hayley Dean, Legal Aid NSW
Digital ID Act 2024 by Lesley Sutton and Emilie Williams of Gilbert + Tobin
Law Report (ABC) for 28 May presented by Damien Carrick - Can X be held liable for publishing hate speech in Australia? Bad Neighbours: cars & apartments
Liability for false imprisonment and judicial immunity in Australia's federal court system by Simon Allison and John Minas in (2024) 83(1) Cambridge Law Journal 33
Lives and Times of the Judges Podcast - James Allsop AC SC
What is the effect of making time of the essence in a contract? by Michael Swinson, Bryony Evans and Kirsten Bowe of King and Wood Mallesons