Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Breathing life into the law : achieving access to justice in the modern State, Lady Rose, Lionel Cohen Lecture 2024
Coercive control - Episode 3 hosted by Hayley Dean, Legal Aid NSW
Improving anti-corruption oversight : AB v IBAC and beyond by William Partlett on Australian Public Law
Law Report (ABC) for 11 June presented by Damien Carrick - Protecting First Nations sacred sites: are Australian laws fit for the task?
Police use of intrusive technology : freedom, privacy, and political legitimacy, A. Roberts in A. Roberts, J. Purshouse, and J. Bosland (eds.), Privacy, Technology, and the Criminal Process, (2023: Routledge), 39-65
A tort of misappropriation of culture, Jayden Houghton, (2024) 29 Torts Law Journal