Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Hashtag capitalism : an introduction by Akshaya Kamalnath, forthcoming in Alternative Law Journal (2024)
High Court confirms that Australian statutory proportionate liability regimes apply in arbitration by Amanda Lees, Domenico Cucinotta and Rachel Spain of King and Wood Mallesons
How fragile is the legal system? A centenary reflection on the 1923 Victorian police strike, Justice Jackman at the Anglo-Australasian Lawyers Society
Landmark Federal Court penalty for ASIC greenwashing proceeding by Jeremy Jose, Luke Barrett, Ilona Millar and Kelvin Ng of Gilbert and Tobin
Law Report (ABC) for 6 August presented by Damien Carrick - Reforming sexual assault law in Australia
Not reinstatement : Court of Appeal clarifies meaning of "relocation costs" by Patrick Ibbotson, Alessandro Cowley, Angus Wu of Maddocks
Of meeples : a timely reminder on trade mark use by Lauren Eade and Stuart Green of Davies Collison Cave
Pain can be impairment : Yangzom v Allianz Australia Insurance Limited [2024] NSWSC 870 by Qiming Zhou of McCabes
WEIRD? Institutions and consumers' perceptions of artificial intelligence in 31 countries by Bronwyn E. Howell, Victoria University of Wellington - School of Management