Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
ITLOS Advisory Opinion on Climate Change and Oceans : possibilities and benefits by Carlos Antonio Cruz Carillo on OpinioJuris - considers law of the sea and climate change
Law Report (ABC) for 3 August presented by Damian Carrick - WA Parliament debates new child protection laws
Menzies Cyber Law Series #2 : The beginning and end of truth from Australian National University College of Law, with the panel The Hon Justice Monika Schmidt AM, Jonathan Harley, Dr Mark Staples and moderator Associate Professor Pip Ryan - explores the nature of truth and the role it plays in different contexts
Overcoming Graham : the s 75(v) constitutional guarantee and non-disclosure in migration and citizenship decisions by Isolde Daniell on AusPubLaw - considers Graham v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection; Te Puia v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2017] HCA 33
Protecting business interests in a post-employment context : lessons from Liberty Financial Pty Ltd v Jugovic by Kate Hay, Paul Burns and Breen Creighton of Corrs Chambers Westgarth - considers Liberty Financial Pty Ltd v Jugovic [2021] FCA 607
The rule of law and the Constitution – a short overview presented by Justice A S Bell at the 2021 CCCS Constitutional Law Conference
The Wigs, S 3 E 2 Extra Material : An interview with Rawan Arraf on international justice in Australia - as part of the solo Wig interview series Felicity Graham sat down with special guest Rawan Arraf of the Australian Centre for International Justice