Adelaide law review, Volume 40(1), 2019 - in this issue : The Adelaide law review at (Volume) 40 : reflections and future directions Matthew Stubbs / celebration of volume 40 : sixty years on! Michael Kirby / 40 is the new 20 : the changing contours of the Adelaide law review Christian Andreotti and Holly Nicholls / Reflections on publishing the Adelaide law review Anthony Moore / 135 years : reflections on the past, present and future of Adelaide law school Peter Rathjen / Constitutional law and the Adelaide law review John M Williams / South Australia's role in the space race : then and now Melissa de Zwart / Norval Morris and the 'new manslaughter' in the Adelaide law review Ian Leader-Elliott / Isaiah Berlin and Adolf Hitler : reflections and personal recollections Horst Klaus Lücke / Ruminations on personal injury law since 1960 John Keeler / The value of Adelaide law review from a student editor perspective Isabella Dunning, Irene Nikoloudakis and Caitlyn Georgeson / Legal scholarship today John Gava / Publish and collaborate : an invitation Paul Babie / Of titles and testaments : reflections of an American reader of the Adelaide law review John V Orth / Colonial logic and the Coorong massacres Irene Watson / Where do a bird and a fish build a house? An alumna's view on a reconciled nation Andrea Mason / A bail review Martin Hinton / International law in Australia revisited James Crawford and Rose Cameron / Feminist interventions into international law : a generation on Judith Gardam / How laws are made Vickie Chapman / Human rights protections : need we be afraid of the unelected judiciary? Catherine Branson / Reflecting on the waters : past and future challenges for the regulation of the Murray-Darling Basin Adam Webster / Youth justice and the age of criminal responsibility : some reflections Margaret White / The law, equality and inclusiveness in a culturally and linguistically diverse society Melissa Perry / Penal designs and corporate conduct : test results from fault and sanctions in Australian cartel law Brent Fisse / Ordinary corporate vices and the failure of law Suzanne Corcoran / South Australian administrative law : 40 years on Judith Bannister / Succession law : reflections and directions Thomas Gray / Alternative dispute resolution and access to justice in the 21st century Katrina Bochner / The 'age of statutes' and its intersection with fundamental principles : an illustration Marie Shaw and Ben Doyle / Regtech : a new frontier in legal scholarship Vicki Waye
Australian bar review, Volume 47(3), August 2019 - in this issue : Mandatory and quasi-mandatory mediation Philip McNamara / Abuse of process : losing the opportunity to litigate - a court system under pressure C P Shanahan / Antipodean vivisection? Recent analysis of 'ownership' of sperm, body parts, and other disiecta membra Lee Aitken / Does the s 26 contextual truth defence have any practical utility in light of the authorities? Parisa Hart / Matters arising : the interaction between cross-vesting and bankruptcy legislation Patrick Hall / Equitable damages and mitigation of loss Christopher Chiam
Australian law journal, Volume 93(8), August 2019 - in this issue : Current issues Ruth C A Higgins SC (ed) The quarrel between security and freedom, Royal commission into informants, The High Court and reproductive rights, The constitutional contortions of Brexit, Religious freedom : a further update Ruth C A Higgins, The curated page Alexie Glass-Kantor / Conveyancing and property Robert Angyal SC and Brendan Edgeworth (eds) Section 88K : a mechanism to enhance land productivity Richard Lovell, Contracts "subject to contract" : recent developments Nicholas Geason / Around the nation : Tasmania Justice Stephen Estcourt AM (ed) A wise man Stephen Estcourt / Equity and trusts Justice Mark Leeming (ed) Marshalling securities and construing releases in equity Mark Leeming / Vulnerability of elders to physical harm and death : criminal law responses John Anderson / Preventing miscarriages of justice : the reliability of forensic evidence and the role of the trial judge as gatekeeper Chris Maxwell / Rights and freedoms under the Australian constitution : what are they and do they meet the needs of contemporary Australian society? Ashleigh Mills / Prints, profiles and templates : adducing biometric evidence in Australian courts Marcus Smith and Gregor Urbas
Law Institute journal, Volume 93(9), September - in this issue : Be part of the legal debate Stuart Webb / Handing over the practice Karin Derkley / Opposition firm on matters of justice Carolyn Ford / The barrister boycott Simon Smith / Governance structure under review Carolyn Ford / Teaching law in a tech world Fabian Horton / Justice Joshua Wilson Stuart Webb / Patrick William Dwyer / Dial 'M' for metadata : unravelling the mystery Craig Macaulay and David Wishart / When business gets messy Mark Bolton / Arbitration explained Judge Joe Harman / Have retail leases reached their use-by date? Norman Mermelstein / The commercial value of mediation to the new economy Greg Rooney / Federal Court judgments Dan Star QC / Family law judgments Robert Glade-Wright / Supreme Court judgments Professor Greg Reinhardt / Write tech, wrong text Legal Practitioners' Liability Committee / Retrospective rent review Russell Cocks / Addressing civil justice Raquel Dos Santos and Tina Turner / Party party taxations LIV Costs Law Executive Committee / The power of letting go Jonathan Kaplan / Take charge of your workload Judith Bennett / Immediation Peter Moran / Super catch-up catching on Andrew Proebstl / New Act brings dignity Oriana Torcasio and Naomi Hickey-Humble / Access a challenge for lawyers outside city Karin Derkley / Marking 51 years in the law Jonathan Tisher / A word of advice... / 10 habits of highly effective listening Converge International / Singing a different tune Karin Derkley
LSJ, Issue 59, September 2019 - in this issue : Report shows 20-fold increase in NSW police strip searches Kate Allman / Six minutes with Stephen Cutler Amy Dale / The right medicine Tony Butler and Lee Knight / At lunch with... Russell Hodge Amy Dale / Paying a high price Amy Dale / Raids, outrage and reform : what now for press freedom? Patricia Drum / To social... or not to social Emma Heuston / From bullied to bully Rachel Setti / Carving a new line Kirrily Schwarz / In the name of the father Alexandra Power Hanny / The case that changed me, Sophy Woodward Amy Dale / The latest developments in Law Society advocacy and law reform Law Society Policy and Practice Department / Can we come home now? Temporary Exclusion Orders Act raises serious constitutional concerns Professor Helen Irving / Public servants all atwitter : HCA has its say on 'free speech' Jack de Flamingh and Daniel Argyris / The journalist, the warrant and the gatekeeper : is it time for more oversight? Bradley Dean / Sharing personal information to fight fraud against the Commonwealth Jenny Stathis / More e-conveyancing essentials for the modern property lawyer Kye-Tran-Tsai, Claire Martin and Benjamin Adams / NCAT appeal panel taps off on the gold Opal card case Stephen McKenzie and Eva Lu / Tread carefully in charging for non-professional work in the administration of estates Louise Brown / Ethics must be part of your trust account's DNA Frances Moffitt / The 'relevant insurer' in the Motor Accident Injuries Act Belinda Cassidy / Paradise lost : Glencore loses High Court bid to extend legal professional privilege Talitha Fishburn / Foreign trusts and duty - it's just not cricket Amanda Tully / The latest from the Federal Court Dan Star QC / Family law Robert Glade-Wright / Criminal law Thomas Spohr / Elder law and succession Darryl Browne
Proctor, Volume 39(8), September 2019 - in this issue : Our evolution of innovation : the value of learning and open minds Bill Potts / election 2019 kicks off : why you should be part of it Rolf Moses / Vale Des Butler / QUT appoints law dean / Celebrating NAIDOC : Voice, truth and First Nations in conversations / Chantelle connects with Indigenous moot / Irrigation schemes transfer to local management Sian Thomas / Sink or swim? Eleanor Sondergeld / Innovation in law Peter Lyons / The legal supply chain and the future of law firms Joel Barolsky / People centred legal innovation - is there any other kind? Terri Mottershead / what is your practice worth if you were to sell it? Steve Tindall / Innovation, technology and the legal professionals of tomorrow Tony Keim / Is time up on mistake of fact? Tony Keim / Evidence proves it's time for change Jonathan Crowe / 'Honest and reasonable is enough' Laura Reece / Applying the principle of fairness Rachael Field / The universal right to plead one's case Rebecca Fogerty / Nareeta's shining progress John Teerds / Breaking down the barriers : embrace the privilege of pro bono service QLS Access to Justice Pro Bono Committee / When is unpaid work lawful : a guide for law students, graduates and legal practices Marcelle Webster / Plugging you into a world of knowledge David Bratchford / Pleading breach of contract Kylie Downes QC and Maxwell Walker / Computer says no... but then what? Angus Murray / Conflicts of interest : to act or not to act? to restrain or not to restrain? Christine Smyth / High Court and Federal Court casenotes Andrew Yuile and Dan Star QC / Mother's 'wrong beliefs' lead to appeal loss Robert Glade-Wright / Court of Appeal judgments Bruce Godfrey / Leadership, people management and personality Graeme McFadyen