Criminal law review, Issue 8, 2019 - in this issue : Sentencing mentally ill offenders Nicola Padfield / Private prosecution : a useful constitutional safeguard or a potentially dangerous historical anomaly? Claire de Than and Jesse Elvin / Simplifying the adverse interference direction Jonathan Hall QC / Cleansing the Augean stables : a commentary on the Law Commission's Sentencing Code for England and Wales Julian V Roberts and Umar Azmeh / Cases and comments : Abuse of process - R v LG, Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 s 34 - R v Green (Ricky), Disclosure - R v Simmons (Darren), Householder defence - R v Cheeseman (Steven), Indictment - R v J, R v Toner (Peter), Magistrates' Court - Brown v Director of Public Prosecutions, Mental capacity Act 2005 - R v Kurtz (Emma-Jane), Obstruction of the highway - Director of Public Prosecutions v Ziegler, Road traffic - Richardson v Director of Public Prosecutions, Sentencing - R v Beckford (Marlon Eugene)
Law Institute journal, Volume 93(8), August 2019 - in this issue : Power of association Stuart Webb / Taking the law into their own hands Karin Derkley / LIV calls for 50 mental health fixes Carolyn Ford / LIV optimistic on scheme to wipe criminal slate Karin Derkley / What happened to presumed innocent? Bill Doogue / Justice Jillian Williams / The state of the law Anna Beesley / Data security in practice Adam Wakeling, Molina Asthana and Peter Moran / Grotesquely unreasonable Daniel Butler and Kimberley Noah / The conduct of attorneys Clare Sunderland / Get off my land Phillip Leaman / High Court judgments Andrew Yuile / Federal Court judgments Dan Star QC / Family law judgments Robert Glade-Wright / Supreme Court judgments Professor Greg Reinhardt / Publicity and costs of innocence Gino Dal Pont / Develop the engagement habit LPLC / Nominating a substitute purchaser Russell Cocks / Towards a fairer playing field Jacqueline Van Dort / Biometrics and privacy Sarah Daniell / Price high or low? Peter Moran / Meetings matter Judith Bennett / Gender remains on the agenda Marquita Nolan / Tending to pressing matters Carolyn Ford / Why procrastinate? Converge International / Puzzling pursuit pays off Karin Derkley
LSJ (Law Society journal), Issue 58, August 2019 - in this issue : President's message Elizabeth Espinosa / 'A profession of distinction' : Law Society outlines three-year vision Amy Dale / Six minutes with... Stephanie Lambert Amy Dale / Mind your ethics Paul Monaghan / Experts warn of looming building crisis / Law Society opening doors for Indigenous students / Anxiety and depression rife among small firms / I'm an awful Aboriginal Trent Wallace / At lunch with... Emma Partridge, Senior Crime Editor, Nine News Kate Allman / Tea with a trailblazer Kate Allman / Losing my religion, losing my job? Amy Dale / The trouble with flying solo Sam McKeith / Career matters Melissa Coade (ed) / My first job, Mahamud Hawila, Lawyer, Hunt and Hunt / Reputation v credibility Angela Heise / Career coach Anna Hinder / Water baby Tia Singh / I'll sleep when i'm dead Rachel Setti / Get loose with these essential office stretches Kate Allman / The case that changed me Nadia Kalic / The latest developments in Law Society advocacy and law reform Law Society Policy and Practice Department / Bringing robo-debts before the law : why it's time to right a legal wrong Terry Carney AO / Lawcover tips for managing some key risks in litigation practice Janice Purvis and Candice Perriman / Freedom of religion and speech : it's time for a change Emeritus Professor Rosalind Croucher AM / The NSW CTP scheme in practice Belinda Cassidy / Personal property securities : extensions of time for registration Johnson Pang / Going digital : bridging the gap between e-filing, e-discovery and e-trials Jonathan Prideaux / A warning to the legal profession to stamp out sexual harassment Mia Pantechis / Essential concepts for electronic conveyancing Kye Tran-Tsai, Claire Martin and Benjamin Adams / We are all publishers now : ignoring online comments no longer an option Angus MacInnis / Top 5 tips to boost your productivity at work Glenda Carry / What does it mean to be a parent? High Court delivers clarity in sperm donor case Felicity Bell / The latest from the High Court Andrew Yuile / The latest from the Federal Court Dan Star QC / Family law Robert Glade-Wright / Criminal law Thomas Spohr / Elder law and succession Darryl Browne
Psychiatry, psychology and law, Volume 26(3), June 2019 - in this issue : Bellingham, the assassin of Spencer Perceval : a case of delusional disorder and a missed opportunity for legal reform Kyros C Karayiannis / Financial and caregivers' stressors in Australian law students - a qualitative analysis Fiona Burns, Nerissa L Soh, Rita Shackel and Garry Walter / Psychological reports for sentencing juveniles in Australian courts Debra Bycroft, Greg E Dear, Deirdre Drake / The extension of the Crimes (Mental Impairment and Unfitness to Be Tried) Act 1997 to the Children's Court : opportunities and shortfalls Katinka Morton, Adam Deacon and Danny Sullivan / When psychological science fails to be heard : the lack of evidence-based arguments in a ministerial report on child sexual abuse Oliver Dodier and Frederic Tomas / Police officers' perceptions of a sex offender registration scheme : identifying and responding to risk Kindalin Brooke Masters and Mark Rhys Kebbell / The role of moral disengagement and cognitive distortions towards children among sex offenders Giulio D'Urso, Irene Petruccelli, Valentina Costantino, Carla Zappulla and Ugo Pace / Instance of online suicide, the law and potential solutions James G Phillips, Kate Diesfeld and Leon Mann / Asking the right questions : examining the efficacy of question trails as a method of improving lay comprehension and application of legal concepts Benjamin Spivak, James R P Ogloff and Jonathan Clough / Towards a national strategy for managing fixated persons in Australia Felcity J Riddle, Matthew Ferriman, David G Farmer and Kym M Baillie / Effects of the presser and legislative criteria in classifying New Zealand's fitness to stand trial court outcomes Khan V Buchwald-Mackintosh, Mei Wah M Williams and Joseph A E Sakdalan / A preliminary investigation on the performance of brain-injured witnesses on target-absent line-up procedures Charlotte Gibert and Dara Mojtahedi