AIAL forum, Issue 95, July 2019 - in this issue : Recent developments Katherine Cook / The High Court's decision in Burns v Corbett : consequences, and ways forward, for State tribunals Anna Olijnyk and Stephen McDonald / The application of the 'duty to inquire' to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority Dr A J Orchard / Is 'sunsetting' limping off into the sunset? : recent developments in the regime for sunsetting of Commonwealth delegate legislation Stephen Argument / 10 years post Byrne v Marles : reflections on the purpose of procedural fairness in a regulatory context Caroline Morgan
Australian law journal, Volume 93(7), July 2019 - in this issue : Current issues Dr Nuncio D'Angelo (ed) Climate change and the law, ASIC and APRA's changed attitudes to enforcement, Review of franchising law, Politics and the rule of law, Arbitration clauses and the High Court, The ongoing saga of an implied duty of good faith in contracts, Religious freedom : a follow-up, A new international law editor for the journal / The curated page Alexie Glass-Kantor / Around the nation : Victoria Justice Clyde Croft AM (ed) Amendments to the International Arbitration Act 1974 (Cth) Clyde Croft / Family law Richard Ingleby (ed) What if Mrs Jennings or Mr Stanford were worth $20,000,000? Richard Ingleby / International focus Professor Stuart Kaye (ed) Australia and Timor-Leste Conciliation and Maritime Boundary Treaty Stuart Kaye / Admiralty and maritime Dr Damien J Cremean (ed) Pollution of the seas and admiralty Damien J Cremean / Competition and consumer law John Kettle (ed) Competitive neutrality, state aid and Australia - worth reconsidering? John Kettle / Personalia Emily Vale (ed) New South Wales - Justice Lea Armstrong, Justice Andrew Bell, Justice Patricia Henry, Queensland - Justice Elizabeth Wilson / Recent cases Ruth C A Higgins (ed) Representative proceedings - part IVA of the Federal Court of Australia Act 1976 (Cth) - constitutional law - judicial power - whether power to make common fund order part of or incidental to exercise of judicial power by the court - constitutional law - acquisition on just terms - Westpac Banking Corp v Lenthall [2019] FCAFC 34, Constitutional law - separation of powers - acquisition of property - whether common fund order contrary to separation of powers - whether common fund order acquisition of property other than on just terms - representative proceedings - common fund order - Brewster v BMW Australia Ltd [2019] NSWCA 35 Ruth C A Higgins / Enforcement of foreign judgments : does an issue estoppel arise from a foreign court's determination of its own jurisdiction? Dan Butler / "Seeking equal dignity without discrimination" - the Australian Human Rights Commission and the handling of complaints Emeritus Professor Rosalind Croucher AM / Alternative facts in the courts The Hon Justice Stephen Gageler AC / Exploring new and old ideas about estoppel and election The Hon K R Handley QC / Obituary - Emeritus Professor Michael Coper AO, FAAL Professor George Williams AO
Brief, Volume 46(6), July 2019 - in this issue : President's report Greg McIntyre SC / Editor's opinion Jason MacLaurin / Ethics and the media Craig Slater / Opinion piece : Free press is key to our democracy Arthur Moses SC / New whistleblowing laws : risks, policies and changes explained Messina Angelis / Interview with the Hon Justice Gail Sutherland Chief Judge of the Family Court of Western Australia Chloe Samuels / How family violence impacts on property settlement proceedings Dianne Caruso and Simon Creek / welcome to the Honourable Justice Jenni Hill / D v Edgar [2019] WASC 183 Lexi Lachal / Working with elderly clients Susan Fielding / 2019 WA arbitration report Brian Millar and Scott Ellis / The Federal and State courts on constitutional law : the 2018 term Justice Mark Moshinsky / Young lawyers case notes Jack Carroll / Land tax payable when exclusive possession arises as a result of a Crown lease of national park lands used for public recreational purposes Clare Thompson / Compromising the essential dignity of each individual Gino Dal Pont / The Geoff Ajduk memorial prize Magistrate Stephen Vose / Gosnells Community Legal Centre's principal solicitor Linda Saverimutto retires after 28 years of dedicated service to the local community / Family law case notes Robert Glade-Wright / The tale of the sorrowful shopkeeper John McKechnie QC
Cambridge law journal, Volume 78(2), July 2019 - in this issue : Case and comment - Reckoning with British colonialism : the Chagos Advisory opinion Fernando Lusa Bordin, Formalism and realism in campaign finance law Jacob Eisler, Legitimate expectation : reliance, process, substance Mark Ellicott, Deception and consent to sex Rachel Clement, Interpretation and implication in the supreme court Paul S Davies, Isn't Brexit frustrating William Day, (Net) curtains for modern architecture? Privacy, nuisance and human rights Jonathan Morgan, What delimits equitable relief from forfeiture? P G Turner, Cakes in the supreme court Sarah Fraser Butlin, Citizenship and incremental convergence with fundamental rights? Angela Ward and Jacquelyn MacLennan / Parental rights, best interests and significant harms : who should have the final say over a child's medical care? Cressida Auckland and Imogen Goold / EU agencification and the rise of ESMA : are its governance arrangements fit for purpose? Elizabeth Howell / Malice as an ingredient of tort liability John Murphy / Challenging conceptions of accessory liability in private law Pauline Ridge and Joachim Dietrich / Recognising a privacy-invasion tort : the conceptual unity of informational and intrusion claims Paul Wragg
Commonwealth law bulletin, Volume 44(2), June 2018 - in this issue : Two steps forward and ten steps backwards : a retreat from shareholder value primacy, stakeholder theory, creditors and directors duties in the Commonwealth Caribbean Taneisha P Brown / Constitutionality of 'bride price' in Nigeria : echoes from the Supreme Court of Uganda Samuel Ihuoma Nwatu and Edwin Ifeanyi Nwogugu / Private prosecution in Singapore : understanding locus standi and measures in place to minimise abuse Jamil Ddamulira Mujuzi / Enforceability of foreign copyright in Nigeria : a review of the court of appeal's decision in Microsoft v Franike Cynthia Onyinyechi Igodo / Privacy in Commonwealth Caribbean law : emerging trends in the protection of sexual citizenship Westmin R A James / Need for standardizing performance evaluation criteria for judicial magistrates in India Geeta Oberoi / Bermuda triangle : the Supply of Services (Implied Terms) Act 2003 and the competing theories of exemption clauses Juliette McIntyre
Conveyancer and property lawyer, Issue 2, 2019 - in this issue : Proprietary estoppel : the law of farms and families Martin Dixon / Sit up and take notice Russell Hewitson / Remedial consistency and constructive trust claims Peter Jaffey / Violating the enjoyment of a licence : a new tort? Adam Baker / Severance by unilateral declaration : lessons from Singapore Alvin W-L See / Acquiring property rights ex turpi causa Michael W Poulsom / Commons and town and village greens : the give and take principle : TW Logistics Ltd v Essex CC Alec Samuels / FJM v United Kingdom : the taming of Article 8? Jenny Boddy and Lewis Graham / Adverse possession by a registered proprietor and its implications for rectification : Farakh Rashid v Teyub Nasrullah (acting as executor of the estate of the law Mohammed Rashid) Christopher Pulman / Testing times for attestation : Payne v Payne Brian Sloan
Criminal law review, Issue 7, 2019 - in this issue : Forensic science is in trouble Nicola Padfield / The common sense and complications of general deterrent sentencing Andrew Ashworth / Not so clear cut : the lawfulness of body modifications Samantha Pegg / The discussion of ground rules issues in pre-trial preparation for vulnerable witnesses in English Crown courts Hayden M Henderson, Michael E Lamb and Angela Rafferty QC / Case note - R v Ismail (Yahye) / Assault of police officer in the execution of duty - Dixon v Crown Prosecution Service / Data protection - Shepherd v Information Commissioner / Joint enterprise - R v Dreszer (Kamil) / Judicial review - R (on the application of Parashar) v Sunderland Magistrates' Court / Proceeds of crime - R v Fulton (Gary Peter) / Sentencing - R v Rawlinson (Shaun), Attorney General's Reference (R v Lewis (Daniel William Angus))
Proctor, Volume 39(7), August 2019 - in this issue : Our young female profession : and the challenges of technology Bill Potts / Court address noncompliance Michael Connor / Bill seeks end to claim farming / Update : answers from the High Court / QLS welcomes appointment of Chief Magistrate / It takes a village... to raise a career Sarah-Elke Kraal / Court out : the decline of accurate news reporting Tony Keim / Life after death : providing hope for shattered lives or creating a lifetime of unintended consequences Tony Keim / Race against time to preserve life's essence David Riwoe / For the love of.. gametes Stephen Page / A lesson in privacy compliance : fingerprint scans point to unacceptable employer practices Giri Sivaraman and Paloma Cole / Your growing profession : national study profiles lawyers across Australia / Is big law failing our professional colleagues? Travis Schultz / The rise of small and micro firms - are lean times ahead? Travis Schultz / An update : sexual harassment in the profession Bridget Burton / What you need to plead : allegations require a reasonable basis Kylie Downes QC and Maxwell Walker / Would you trust AI with a scalpel? And how should it be regulated? Ivy Shi / Herding cats : dealing with recalcitrant executors and double probate Christine Smyth / High Court confirms sperm donor as parent Robert Glade-Wright / High Court and Federal Court casenotes Andrew Yuile and Dan Star QC / Court of Appeal judgments Bruce Godfrey / Can our office go paperless? Magistrate Terrence Browne, Tony Deane, Steven Tyndall and Caroline Hart